WATCH: Louis Vuitton's Cruise collection handbags have a screen and browser

Louis Vuitton's Cruise collection handbags have a screen and browser. Pic: Pinterest

Louis Vuitton's Cruise collection handbags have a screen and browser. Pic: Pinterest

Published May 23, 2019


With flexible screens being all the rage nowadays, more companies are building products touting the technology, however, we were certainly surprised when we saw it on the Louis Vuitton Cruise 2020 runway show in New York.

LV plans to produce two variations of the so-called Canvas of the Future handbags, one with a single display on each side, and the other with two.

In a video posted to Instagram one of the bags could also be seen showing a pair of scrolling web browsers. Louis Vitton says that the idea for the handbag is for it to become an extension of the smartphone.

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Louis Vuitton брэнд аяллын цуглуулгадаа зориулсан загварын шоуныхаа үеэр бүрэн үйл ажиллагаатай дэлгэц суурилсан, төрөлдөө ганц, цоо шинэ цүнх танилцууллаа. Технологийн дэвшил ашиглан бүтээсэн уг цүнхийг "Ирээдүйн Зотон" буюу "Canvas of the Future" хэмээн нэрлэсэн бөгөөд цүнхний хажуу хэсгээр байрласан уяан хатан дэлгэцийг 1920 x 1440 бүхий нягтаршилтай AMOLED технологиор бүтээжээ. Louis Vuitton энэхүү аксесуарыг танилцуулснаар гар цүнх болоод ухаалаг утасны заагийг арилгах зорилготой байгаа аж. ——————— Louis Vuitton screen handbags debuted during its Cruise 2020 runway feature built-in flexible displays with a 1,920 x 1,440 resolution. The prototype bags are “the basis for reconsidering the digital Canvas of the Future,” adding that it is “always in search of the fusion of savoir-faire and innovation.” According to a press release, the sci-fi accessory aims to blur the lines between smartphone and bag. #louisvuittoncruise2020

A post shared by Buro Mongolia(@buromongolia) on May 12, 2019 at 10:05pm PDT

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