WATCH: #SUNMET survival guide

The Sun Met is all about having fun. (Picture: Armand Hough/African news Agency (ANA))

The Sun Met is all about having fun. (Picture: Armand Hough/African news Agency (ANA))

Published Jan 25, 2019


Just one more sleep to this year's Sun Met and if you're going, your outfit should be sorted by now, so it's probably too late for fashion ideas but here are a few do's and dont's you need to be aware of when attending the Met. 

Having attended many (ok, nine) Met events, I've had to learn some of these the hard way. So here's what to and not to do on the day.


wear comfortable shoes. Unless you’re going to be carried around or don’t intend moving from one spot, I’d advise you to leave your razor-sharp Christian Louboutin’s at home. 

Sandals might sound like a great idea but be warned, dust is unavoidable at the Met. So you’re guaranteed to go home with brown dusty feet.

Block heels are not only trendy but they are super comfortable and they come in so many different heights and styles. 


apply sunblock. You want to leave the Met with lasting memories not lasting skin damage. Apply it everywhere!!! From your face to your toes. Have you ever seen a sandals tan? It ain't pretty.


wear sunglasses. Not only will they protect your eyes but they are an amazing accessory as well. Now’s the time to pull out those OTT bling sunnies!


wear a hat. Again. A hat is an obvious way to protect your face from the sun. And it’s the perfect Met accessory as well. What better time to wear a dramatic over-sized hat! The ones you can’t wear to church.


fancy dress. By fancy dress, I mean fantasy dress. It’s not a costume party. Just because the theme is metallics doesn’t mean you can go as a gold bar!

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