In recent years, the natural hair revolution has taken off and people have accepted and admired natural hair. However, there are still many misinterpretations and misconceptions swirling around natural hair. Today, we discuss a couple of them.
Natural hair isn't versatile
If you believe that Afro is the only natural hairstyle, you're losing out on a lot of exclusive hairstyles, trendy and good for your hair and scalp. Some of the many natural hairstyles you can wear are Bantu knots, Afro puffs, braids, and many others. In addition, you can combine these styles to create your own one-of-a-kind hairdos. When your hair is short, the range will be very limited but the longer the hair grows, the more styles you may try and appreciate.
Natural hair doesn't grow
This is not true. It can take a lot longer for growth to become visible due to normal hair curl/coil pattern which contributes to "shrinkage." The length is there! it is only a matter of natural materials, daily treatment, moisture, and some patience before you can fully see it.
Natural hair is strong
Natural hair looks good, which is why so many people misuse it unintentionally with raw care. In fact, black hair is delicate and needs to be handled with the gentlest care so it can flourish. Broad dent pebbles, natural ingredients, and your own fingers are the perfect natural hair techniques and products. You should note that protective styles typically help maintain the length and for certain hairstyles, excessive brushing can be too much.
Natural hair is hard to manage
Natural, textured hair can seem hard to manage if you attempt to treat it like straight hair. If you use the same tools and expect the same results that you would on straightened hair, you're going to be disappointed. However, When you've learned to handle natural hair in a way that doesn't try to change or alter it, it can be as versatile as any other hair type.
You don’t have to wash natural hair
Don't trust this myth. Natural or curly hair requires more gentle brushing than other hairstyles, and in the process, the oil should not be stripped, but ALL hair needs washing. Over time, your hair will dry out on your scalp dirt and soap build-up, blocking moisture and making your hair dry and dull.