Viper teaser posted on facebook

10 000 likes on the SRT facebook page got them this Viper teaser.

10 000 likes on the SRT facebook page got them this Viper teaser.

Published Jan 31, 2012


These days, everybody who is anybody has a facebook page and, apart from keeping the kids away from their homework, it can also be a useful gauge of public opinion.

For instance, driveSRT, the facebook page of Chrysler's Street and Racing Technology tuning division, recently promised to post a teaser picture of the 2013 Viper on the page if 10 000 Viper fans 'liked' them by February 1.

Well, as of now (January 31) they've got 13 092 'likes' and the picture is up on their page (and at the top of this one) for all to see.

Doesn't tell us much, does it...


Firstly, we know that it is no longer badged as a Dodge; SRT have taken over the development of Chrysler's pet snake and from 2013 on it will simply be known as the SRT Viper, in much the same way that the SLS Gullwing isn't officially called a Mercedes-Benz.

SRT's facilities aren't huge, so production will be limited to just a few thousand in the first year but, if as many punters put their money down as put their thumbs up on Facebook, SRT will increase the numbers.

‘Expected to debut at the New York motor show in April’

The 2013-spec SRT Viper is expected to debut at the New York motor show in April, but we won't know what it will have under its long, swoopy bonnet until then. Rumours buzzing around the cybergarage range from the Challenger's 6.4-litre Hemi V8 (nothing wrong with that) to a whiplash-inducing 8.7-litre SRT development of the current Viper V10 (now you're talking!).

Guess the reality will, as usual, fall somewhere between the two.

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