‘Economy Parts’ keep old VW’s rolling

Fast-moving service parts, such as brake pads, are now available for older Volkswagen models under the Economy Parts label.

Fast-moving service parts, such as brake pads, are now available for older Volkswagen models under the Economy Parts label.

Published Apr 24, 2012


The trouble with running older vehicles is that inflation makes their parts more expensive while depreciation makes the cars less valuable - until you reach the point where a routine service can cast more than the car is worth.

One way around that is to buy 'pirate' or non-original parts, but you don't know what kind of quality you're getting. Some may be considerably better than the parts the maker originally fitted, others are frankly dangerous.

Which is the parts division of Volkswagen SA - in a classic case of “if you can’t beat them, join them” - has introduced its own range of aftermarket ‘pirate parts’ for models older than five years, calling them 'Economy Parts'.

It's not a new idea - Economy Parts have been available in Germany and some other markets for a while - and now they're available in South Africa.


VW Group parts manager Richard Longe explained: “Economy Parts are still made to Volkswagen quality standards; there's no compromise in the safety, performance and durability of the parts.

“And the current range of parts will still be available should customers choose to fit them.”

“What we have done is to simplify the design of some parts and use alternative materials for others, so that we can retail them at a lower price than the originals.


“Economies of scale also contribute; the Economy Parts range covers fast-moving service items that are shared by many VW models.

“The parts have all been through a rigorous testing programme to make sure they meet global VW standards, so franchised dealers, independent workshops and DIY customers can use them with peace of mind.”

Currently available are brake pads, brake discs, batteries, shock absorbers, CV joints, wiper blades and spark plugs, although Longe says the range will expanded in the future.

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