Former Mrs Deaf SA summits Mount Kilimanjaro to help deaf kids hear

Photo: Supplied.

Photo: Supplied.

Published Sep 1, 2022


Tracy Duncan, a graphic designer from Goodwood in Cape Town has conquered Africa’s highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, all for a worthy cause, to raise funds for children who desperately need cochlear implants.

Duncan and her climbing compatriots conquered the mighty Kilimanjaro so that young boys and girls can receive the opportunity of life through Hearing.

Duncan, 36, from Goodwood in Cape Town, was born with profound hearing loss.

Normal hearing is 100% in both ears, but Tracey could only hear 15% of normal.

“I have worn the most powerful hearing aids from the age of 9 months, yet I could still hear very little with it.

“I depended so much on lip-reading, and it was very difficult to grasp what everyone was saying.

“I would miss out on dinner conversations with the family, music, the sound of rain and many everyday sounds.”

At 30, Duncan decided to get a cochlear implant operation, and it changed her life drastically.

Duncan said she cried when they switched on the processor for the first time.

“I am hearing much more now and I’m still learning new sounds every day.

“I became more confident and I speak much more clearly.

“I would love for deaf kids to have the same opportunity I had.

“The earlier you have the cochlear implant, the better you will hear, she said”

Duncan never let her disability hold her back from climbing Africa’s highest mountain.

A former Mrs Deaf SA, active humanitarian, motivation speaker, Tracy is no stranger to embarking on what others will deem the impossible.

She’s partnered with the The Be the Best Version of Yourself Foundation, which is all about bridging the gap between the hearing and deaf communities in South Africa, provision of cochlear implants for children born deaf by funding the cost of the implants, related therapy, and lifelong support costs, as well as hearing aids for qualifying children.

The team arrived back in South Africa on Monday morning August 29 at 4am after a successful trip to Mount Kilimanjaro.

Warren Duncan, Tracy’s husband, took to Facebook to congratulate his wife on her achievement: “Today my wife Tracy Ann Duncan achieved her dream to summit Mount Kilimanjaro.

“I am so proud of her you did it my baba.

“You conquered that climb.

“Thank you to all our family and friends for their prayers and support.

“I am such a proud husband!”


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