Illegal doctors issuing bogus sick notes named and shamed

In 2016, these sick notes were found to have been written fraudulently. File picture

In 2016, these sick notes were found to have been written fraudulently. File picture

Published Nov 2, 2017


Cape Town - The Health Professions Council of South Africa (HSPCA) has released a list of unregistered or illegal medical practitioners issuing medical certificates in the Western Cape. 

The list, which is not exhaustive, consists of ten doctors operating around the province in areas such as Gugulethu, Khayelitsha, Kuils River and Makhaza. Criminal cases have been opened against them but no arrests have been made as yet.

"The HPCSA became aware of the names on the list after receiving queries from employers who were questioning the validity of medical certificates presented by their employees," HPCSA spokesperson Priscilla Sekhonyana said. According to Sekhonyana, the issuing of fraudulent medical certificates has a huge impact on the economy.

“Bogus doctors, they do not pay tax, they rob members of the communities of their hard earned money, issue fake medical certificates to employees which affect productivity. All of these have a negative impact on the economy of the country. Fake medical certificates are issued to employees who are fit to work which affects the productivity of companies. It increases the level of absenteeism at work,” she said.

The list of fraudulent doctors supplied by the HPCSA. Graphic: Lance Witten/Cape Argus

The Council issued the list to raise awareness for employers who are not aware of some of the certificates being submitted by employees.

"The aim is to reduce the demand for fraudulent medical certificates. If employers are made aware of the names on the fraudulent medical certificates then their employees will find it difficult to get away with presenting these fake certificates," Sekhoyana said.

Since January 2017 the HPCSA’s Inspectorate Office in the Western Cape had received 30 complaints from employers who had been presented with certificates bearing the names of the doctors on the list. Sekhoyana said the public should be concerned.

"The HPCSA is requesting the they be vigilant and report all suspicious incidences of medical certificates as well as bogus practitioners."

While some would applaud the HPCSA for rooting out fraud, the South African Medical Association has slammed the HPCSA for not acting fast enough to arrest the illegal doctors issuing bogus certificates. 

"It is a criminal offence (and) the police should arrest them," SAMA’s chairperson Mark Sonderup said. He also accused the HPCSA of being party to the crime.

Last month authorities arrested eight practitioners in Johannesburg who were found to be operating illegally during a raid at a medical center. 

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Cape Argus

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