Durban - Five days after a decomposed body was seen floating in the Umgeni River in Durban it has been recovered.
According to SAPS spokesperson Captain Nqobile Gwala an inquest docket had been opened at Newlands East police station after the body of the unknown male was found in an advanced state of decomposition below the M21 bridge in the Newlands area.
She said investigations were on going and no other details were available at this stage.
The recovery was made by police divers from Durban SAPS Search and Rescue, Metro Police Search and Rescue and Life Response EMS on Wednesday.
They body was seen floating in the Umgeni River on Saturday.
"The body was recovered using a Rescue Stokes Basket and carried up to the roadway where it was handed over to members from Newlands SAPS."
The decomposed body of an adult male was found five days after it was seen floating in the Umgeni River.
Picture: Supplied
In a separate incident recently a good Samaritan who tried to help a woman who fell into the Umvoti River on the KZN North Coast drowned.
According to Paul Herbst from IPSS Medical Rescue, the man was walking behind the female near the Groutville River when she lost her footing.
He went into save her and drowned. His body was recovered an hour later.