Duduzane Zuma confirmed as State Capture Inquiry's next witness

Duduzane Zuma has been confirmed by the Zondo commission as its next guest. Picture: Dimpho Maja/ African News Agency(ANA)

Duduzane Zuma has been confirmed by the Zondo commission as its next guest. Picture: Dimpho Maja/ African News Agency(ANA)

Published Oct 7, 2019


Johannesburg - A few days after media reports alleged that former President Jacob Zuma has been given 80 questions to answers over state capture allegations, one of his prominent sons will on Monday appear before the Zondo commission. 

Duduzane Zuma, one of the people whose name has been mentioned in several attempts to influence the State's decision during his father’s presidency between 2009 and 2018, has been confirmed by the commission as its next guest.

In a brief statement issued on Sunday, the commission’s spokesperson, Reverend Mbuyiselo Stemela, said Duduzane’s testimony will start at 10am in Johannesburg where the commission sits. 

“The Commission will hear testimony of Mr Duduzane Zuma on Monday 07 October 2019 at 10:00. The legal team is in the process of identifying and/or consulting with other witnesses who will be called to appear before the Commission over the next few weeks,” Stemela said. 

It was not immediately clear which issue was Duduzane expected to address as he has already dealt with allegations made by former deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas that him and the Guptas offered him R600 million to take over as finance minister from Nhlanhla Nene and "work with them". 

The son of the former president is on record saying he was willing to appear before the Judge Raymond Zondo headed commission and take questions in order to clear his name. 

Meanwhile the Black First Land First (BLF) has demanded a fair hearing for Duduzane at the Zondo commission.

The de-registered political party which has been on the side of the Zumas, including former President Jacob Zuma, when they have faced the judiciary, says Duduzane is heading to the commission already prejudiced.

In a statement issued on Sunday, BLF said Duduzane is a victim of a political vendetta by the Cyril Ramaphosa administration which is abusing state institutions like the Zondo Commission to settle political scores. 

“Duduzane Zuma is a victim of a political vendetta by the Cyril Ramaphosa administration which is abusing state institutions like the Zondo Commission to settle political scores in service of white monopoly capital (WMC). The treatment that Duduzane Zuma has thus far received at the hands of the Ramaphosa administration clearly indicates the prejudice he suffers is only because he is the son of President Jacob Zuma.

“Black First Land First (BLF) is of the view that none of the issues that Duduzane Zuma is expected to testify on at the Zondo Commission hearing tomorrow (on Monday ), will be addressed through a just evaluation of the evidence. The quasi judicial processes of the Zondo Commission are evidently driven by WMC interests,” the party’s National Coordinating Committee said in the statement.

It then demanded that the Zondo Commission corrects its ways and give Duduzane Zuma a fair hearing.

“We stand with Duduzane Zuma, in the same way we stand with President Zuma – all the way! BLF shall continue to defend black people who come under attack from land thieves and their institutions by any means necessary,” it said. 

The party further alleged that the attacks on Zuma senior and his son “has attained new impetus after the May 2019 elections.

Political Bureau

*This article has been edited

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