Veteran South African hip-hop artist Linda Mkhize, better known as Pro Kid, has died. The award-winning musician suffered "a severe seizure attack whilst visiting friends," his family said in a statement released late on Wednesday night.
According to the family, paramedics were called to assist Mkhize but failed to revive him. He was pronounced dead at 20.38.
Some of the pioneering artist's better-known songs include the hits Abagcwali and Ghetto Science.
Tributes have been pouring in on Twitter for the 37-year-old musician, who many described as a pioneer and an inspiration to other artists.
Dankie San you made ghetto metaphors and punchlines seem effortless, you birthed a whole generation of spitters that were inspired by your style. A rap pioneer, word engineer top 5 dead or alive. #RipProKid and condolences to your family.
— SlikourOnLife (@slikouron) August 9, 2018
You may be Gone but you still gave us these hits while you were still with us
1. Sekele😭😭😭 #RIPPRO
— SA_HipHopExplicit (@hiphopexplicit) August 9, 2018
Waking up to saddest news of Pro Kid’s untimely death!
One of Mzansi’s greatest lyricist!
Lala Pro!
— Tumi Sole (@tumisole) August 9, 2018
Remember the ProKid & Kaydo battle at YFM? It was on Dj Fresh’s show!! Then the ProKid & Proverb battle? Maaaan!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥😭 #RIPProKid
— Trevor (@Lets_one) August 9, 2018
I can't believe this guy is no more. Lala ngokuthula nja yeGame #RIPProkid @DJFreshSA #FreshBreakFast
— sandileℹ (@nellie_S86) August 9, 2018
We send our deepest condolences to the family, friends and fans of South African Hip Hop legend Pro Kid. #RIPProKid
— BET Africa (@BET_Africa) August 9, 2018
This was my soundtrack during my depression. PRO was more than just a rapper to a lot of us from ko Soweto. His music was life. 💔 #RIPProkid
— Lesego Semenya (@LesDaChef) August 9, 2018
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