More than 3 million screened for Covid-19 in SA

Published Jun 4, 2020


Rustenburg – More than 3 million people have been screened for Covid-19, the Department of Health said on Thursday.

"We have now screened just over 3 million people (actual number 3 025 199). This is good progress considering the total population of North West now stands at just below 4 million (3 961 698) people," said spokesperson Thapelo Lekgwethwane.

"Those referred for testing are 2 636. Mass screening and contact tracing remains key to prevention of rapids infections and all districts are above 90 percent contact tracing and all suspected cases are referred for testing."

He said North West Covid-19 laboratory confirmed cases contributes less than 1 percent to South Africa's burden of cases.

"Bojanala remains the epicentre, followed by Dr Kenneth Kaunda. This is because the majority of the active cases are in Bojanala Platinum district (60 percent), followed by Dr. Kenneth Kaunda district (31 percent). 

"Of the total confirmed cases, 38 percent are linked to clusters of cases in the mines in Bojanala Platinum (79 percent), Dr Kenneth Kaunda (19 percent) and Ngaka Modiri Molema 2 percent."

The total number of Covid-19 confirmed cases in North West as of 3 June was 314, an increase of 44 from previously reported cases.

He said a total of 74 confirmed cases which were previously allocated to Gauteng have since been reallocated to North West after data harmonisation and verification of addresses. The majority of these cases were mine-related in Rustenburg.

Lekgethwane said the Bojanala District has the highest cases at 186, with 33 recoveries and one death.

Dr Kenneth Kaunda follows at 99 with 20 recoveries. Ngaka Modiri Molema now has 19 cases, with five recovered, while Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati has five cases and one has recovered.

He explained that the mines have become hot spots for coronavirus in the province and more effort was needed to curb the disease from spreading to mining communities.

"A lot has been achieved during lockdown level 4 and 5. Treatment protocols have been developed for a coherent response in the screening, testing and treatment of suspected as well as confirmed cases. 

"The province has increased bed availability through partnerships with private sector and mining companies. We have also ensured availability of medicines required to treat the complications of Covid-19," he said.

He said the province was in the process of obtaining the required equipment especially more oxygen points and more ventilators. 

African News Agency (ANA)

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