Shutdowns grow as pressure mounts on #Mahumapelo

Firefighters douse a blaze at Mmabatho Foundation in Mmabatho after it was set alight by protesters. PHOTO: Supplied

Firefighters douse a blaze at Mmabatho Foundation in Mmabatho after it was set alight by protesters. PHOTO: Supplied

Published Apr 20, 2018


Zeerust - Zeerust in North West was shut down on Friday as the call for provincial Premier Supra Mahumapelo to step down grows.

Shops were closed and streets trashed while traffic officers were posted along the N4 highway leading into the town to warn motorists about the situation.

A group of people, mostly working in shops, were standing on street corners waiting for taxis to transport them home. Taxis were parked about two kilometres outside the town, on the Mahikeng road.

North West police said sporadic incidents of looting were reported overnight in the provincial capital Mahikeng and surrounding villages. 

Residents in Mahikeng shut down the North West capital on Thursday, calling for Mahumapelo to resign.

Mahikeng shutdown continues amid mounting calls for Mahumapelo to resign

Police spokesperson Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone said Mmabana Foundation in Mmabatho was partially burnt on Thursday night.

The protests have also spilled over to Wolmaransstad and Makwassie.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, who flew back from the UK on Thursday night, was expected to speak to African National Congress (ANC) structures in North West in an attempt to restore order.

African News Agency/ANA

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