Loved and loathed, Sweden's anti-lockdown architect is unrepentant

Published Jun 25, 2020


Stockholm – As the architect of Sweden's

unorthodox response to the coronavirus pandemic, Anders Tegnell

has got used to receiving death threats and being urged to


But he says he has no plans to step down or step back and

remains convinced that, over time, the anti-lockdown strategy

that has seen his country break ranks with much of the world

will prove its worth.

"I think a number of countries should have thought twice

before taking the very drastic measure of a lockdown," he told

Reuters in an interview. That's what's experimental, not the Swedish model."

While most countries have hunkered down behind closed doors,

Sweden has relied on voluntary curbs on social contact, keeping

most schools, restaurants, bars and businesses open.

Since March, its economy has outpaced the rest of Europe,

but at over 5 000 its Covid-19 death toll is jarringly high – many times the combined total of neighbours Denmark, Finland and


Tegnell's supporters, praising what they consider a

forward-thinking approach to an unavoidable calamity, have

sculpted his image in soap and wood, and the wave of flowers

sent to the 64-year-old, a keen gardener, has been such that his

local florist has asked for deliveries to be staggered.

Meanwhile the populist Sweden Democrats have described

coronavirus deaths among the elderly as a "massacre" and

demanded his resignation, and police have investigated multiple

death threats against him.

Tegnell, his hair greying and worry lines creasing his

forehead, calls Sweden's death toll "horrible" but maintains

there is little evidence linking it to the absence of a

lockdown, pointing instead to conditions at nursing homes, a

decentralised health care system and travel patterns.

A veteran of anti-Ebola health campaigns in Africa, he also

argues that his critics have focused too little on the

consequences of shutdowns.

"It is fascinating how little we in Sweden have discussed

the very negative effects that lockdowns have had in many

countries. Domestic abuse... schoolchildren with very serious

problems in many other countries," he said.

"The effects of different strategies, lockdowns and other

measures, are much more complex than we understand today... This

disease is very difficult to understand."

The death rate among Swedish Covid cases has fallen about

70% from a peak in April and Tegnell says some countries that

adopted hard lockdowns, like Britain, Italy and Spain, have

suffered more.

For him, it is the actions of his Nordic neighbours that are

the more baffling. "The question is rather whether they had a

reason to shut down at all?" he said.

But his remains the minority view and as Europe gradually

reopens for travellers, Swedes have been excluded by many

countries, even within the usually tight-knit Nordic countries.

"Their strategy has failed," said Allan Randrup Thomsen,

professor of virology at the University of Copenhagen, where the

death toll per capita is a fifth of Sweden's.

"It's been a decisive factor for their high infection

number, that they didn't shut down to the same extent that

(Denmark)... did." 


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