Bundesliga readies to return but may look very different long term

The Bundesliga resumes next weekend after a two-month gap due to the coronavirus pandemic. Games behind closed doors will be the most noticeable difference at first, but German football could see huge changes in the coming years after the crisis exposed its flaws. Photo: Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters

The Bundesliga resumes next weekend after a two-month gap due to the coronavirus pandemic. Games behind closed doors will be the most noticeable difference at first, but German football could see huge changes in the coming years after the crisis exposed its flaws. Photo: Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters

Published May 10, 2020


HAMBURG - The Bundesliga is coming back but all is not well in

German football.

In a recent survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of dpa, 46 per cent

spoke out against games behind closed doors. Only 34 per cent were in


But games without fans are just one part of the problem and German

Football League (DFL) boss Christian Seifert has acknowledged that

the Bundesliga needs an overhaul. Here is a list of major issues.

FINANCES: In the 2018/19 season, the Bundesliga made a record 4.02

billion euros (4.41 billion dollars). And yet, due to the coronavirus

crisis, several clubs such as Schalke found themselves in a situation

of existential crisis. Media reports said 13 of the 36 clubs in the

top two divisions in Germany were threatened with bankruptcy.

The dependency on television money, which accounts for more than a

third of revenues, is striking. Several clubs pledge TV bonuses not

yet received to banks in advance in order to remain liquid.

One possible remedy would be to pay more attention in the licensing

process to how clubs are positioned economically in the long term and

not just with a view to the next season.

The future of the 50+1 rule, whereby no investor can control a

majority of shares, could be brought back into focus as clubs try to

compete with rich benefactors in the English Premier League. But any

abolition of the rule would be hugely unpopular with many fans.


The earnings of many players are one reason why clubs get

into economic difficulties even without the coronavirus pandemic.

According to a DFL report, the 18 Bundesliga clubs pay more than 1.4

billion euros in salaries for coaches and players per season. This is

by far the largest item of expenditure.

A salary cap could come under serious consideration but it will not

be legally enforceable in Germany and Europe. It is also hard to

imagine the DFL going it alone, as this would make the Bundesliga

unattractive for top stars compared to the Premier League or Spain.


The DFL believes fees of over 100 million euros for a

player are unsustainable but tackling the issue is as difficult as

salaries. Transfer sums though are expected to fall in any case with

clubs throughout Europe reassessing their spending after the crisis.

But sides such as Qatari-owned Paris St Germain may see little



Gold-plated steaks, young professionals in luxury cars,

holiday photos on social media with model girlfriends - many players

have contributed to a fan backlash against the modern-day footballer.

In a coronavirus world, players could be better taught by clubs to

not flaunt their wealth so much. A new closeness to the fans may be

necessary for clubs to keep all their supporters while they are not

allowed to attend games - players can have a major role in this.


The worldwide football calendar is becoming

increasingly full. New tournaments such as the revamped Club World

Cup are so far unpopular with supporters, who believe national

leagues, the Champions League, Europa League, World Cup and European

Championship are enough. Bundesliga teams are unlikely to push for

anything new for a while.


The television landscape has become increasingly

confusing for football fans in Germany. Live games on free TV are

rare. Despite understandable efforts to get the most money out of the

rights allocation, German football now looks less likely to let the

entire product disappear behind paywalls.

Winning back fans is the key to the Bundesliga's chances of

prospering again.


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