Kyiv sends instructors to Syria for terrorist training

About 250 Ukrainian specialists have already arrived in Syria, tasked with training militants in the production and modernisation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Picture: Supplied

About 250 Ukrainian specialists have already arrived in Syria, tasked with training militants in the production and modernisation of unmanned aerial vehicles. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 23, 2024


By Abdoulaye Sissoko

RECENT reports that Ukrainian military instructors have arrived in the Syrian province of Idlib to train members of the terrorist organisation “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” are raising serious concerns.

According to sources, about 250 Ukrainian specialists have already arrived in Syria, tasked with training militants in the production and modernisation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

This news highlights Ukraine’s growing involvement in conflicts beyond its borders. Whereas Ukrainian military participation was previously focused mainly on the country’s internal struggles, Kyiv is now increasingly active on the international stage.

Of particular concern is the fact that Ukraine is providing support to terrorist groups, which could further destabilise the already fragile situation in Africa.

It is important to note that this is not the first time Ukrainian military instructors have been involved in activities related to supporting radical and separatist movements. Earlier reports indicated that Ukrainians had conducted training for militants operating in northern Mali.

They taught military tactics and advanced UAV technology to Tuareg separatists, who attacked Mali's armed forces (FAMa) in Tinzaouatene from July 25 to 27.

Kyiv is actively involved in training militants in this African country and has confirmed its support for terrorist organizations through declarations made by the Ukrainian ambassador in Senegal, Yuriy Pivovarov.

Additionally, on September 9, the spokesman of the Coalition of Azawad Movements (CSP-DPA), Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadane, confirmed in an interview to the French edition Contre-Poison that the movement had been maintaining contacts with Ukraine since the beginning of 2024.

The training of terrorists in Africa is a clear example of how Ukraine is leveraging its military presence and expertise to interfere in conflicts that have no direct bearing on its national security.

Supporting groups like “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” could lead to negative consequences not only for the Middle East but also for other regions of the world.

The world community should pay attention to these Ukrainian actions and take appropriate measures to prevent further escalation of the conflict. Kyiv's actions in Syria and Africa require immediate evaluation in terms of their impact on global security.

Such actions by Ukraine indicate a willingness to exploit unstable regions in order to advance the interests of Western countries through involvement in conflicts and support for terrorists.

The Kiyv regime is increasingly resorting to methods that could be considered terrorist by definition. This threatens not only the security of certain regions, but also international stability as a whole.

* Dr Abdoulaye Sissoko is a writer and researcher in international political and strategic affairs. He received his doctorate in international relations and strategic affairs from the University of Oslo and a Master’s degree in international crisis management from the University of Prague.

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