Netflix aims to better recommendations with ‘two thumbs up’

FILE – Netflix has rolled out a new Double Thumbs Up feature to allow its viewers to rate a movie or show on the streaming platform two thumbs up instead of just one.

FILE – Netflix has rolled out a new Double Thumbs Up feature to allow its viewers to rate a movie or show on the streaming platform two thumbs up instead of just one.

Published Apr 12, 2022


Johannesburg – Ever watched a show or series on Netflix you enjoyed so much that it deserved two thumbs up?

Well, the streaming service has made this happen.

Netflix has rolled out a new Double Thumbs Up feature, currently available on most platforms, to allow its viewers to rate a movie or show on the streaming platform two thumbs up instead of just one.

The notion behind the move is to offer users better recommendations for viewers through a higher-tiered rating system.

“Do you like it or do you love it? When you love something, you want to tell your family, friends, and co-workers.

“You want to talk about it all over social media.

“And you want more of it ASAP,” Netflix’s director of product innovation Christine Doig-Cardet said.

“That’s why we’re introducing Double Thumbs Up, an additional way for members to let us know what types of series and films you want to see more of.

“You can find this option next to the Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down buttons on your TV, Web, Android and iOS mobile devices,” she added.

At present, Netflix offers a simple rating system of either a “thumb up” or “thumbs down” to indicate a like or dislike, the selection of which impacts the percentage match which accompanies a show when browsing for something to watch.

By implementing the Double Thumbs Up rating, the streaming service aims to offer better, personalised suggestions to viewers.

“Our current Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down buttons are a good way for you to tell us how you feel about a series or film, and in return, you get a profile that's better personalised to your taste.

“However, we’ve learned over time that these feelings can go beyond a simple like or dislike.

“Providing an additional way to tell us when you’re really into something means a profile with recommendations that better reflect what you enjoy,” Doig-Cardet said.

Netflix is encouraging its viewers to use the feature to enhance personal suggestions that will essentially feature on a user’s homepage once opening their profile, within the app or on the web version for desktop.

The feature is already available for South Africans and can be found on the platform’s desktop version.

If you cannot find the feature on any of your other devices or apps yet, the version for your device may not be rolled out just yet, but will likely kick in with the next update.

IOL Wealth

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