Matric pupils urged to focus on their studies and not get distracted as exams loom



Published Sep 17, 2020


Johannesburg - Most matric candidates are already busy with their preliminary exams. Just as soon as they finish, they will have to start preparing for final exams that start in October.

Just over a million matric candidates will start exams in October, and with uncertainty still lingering about, learners need to ensure they get in the right frame of mind for the exams, according to Wonga Ntshinga, senior head of programme in the ICT faculty at The Independent Institute of Education.

“Learners must now take stock of where they are academically, and determine what ground still needs to be covered so that they are fully prepared. On top of this, they need to work through any concerns around the rest of the year, exam logistics, and their future plans so that they can put aside those issues causing anxiety and focus solely on their revision,” Ntshinga said.

He said while this year's matric candidates face additional stress-ors, they should know that there are more resources than ever before to ensure they complete their final year of school as well as possible.

“Now is the time to assess your performance to date - possibly based on your preliminary exams if your school wrote them - and see how much ground you still need to cover before exams start. And very importantly, learners need to draw up a comprehensive study schedule, and stick to it. Don't just get up every morning and wing it.”

Ntshinga said learners needed to come to terms with the fact that things will feel strange in the exam room so that they are fully prepared and not distracted by the logistics, such as writing while wearing a mask.

“Taking control now for your own performance is the most powerful approach to take. By claiming your focus, you can and will make a positive difference to your results.

“Even when going into higher education next year, there is likely to still be restrictions and safety precautions in place, so don't waste precious energy fretting about the unusual nature of things,” he said.

The Star

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