Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess

Published Jul 21, 2021


Reviewer: Rehana Rutti

Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess is a persuasive book that can alter your life in profound ways.

Learning how to manage your mind is a vital skill, because “if we don’t mind-manage our mental mess, our life will feel like a mess”. For every new experience we need a new set of mind-management tools.

Mental distress and ill-health are not new. The thoughts we think directs the action we take. It therefore follows that if we change our thoughts (that’s the way we think) then you can change your actions. What if there was another way? What if the answer lay inside of you? What if you held the key?

Dr Caroline Leaf’s book provides a scientifically proven five-step plan, the neurocycle, to discover and eliminate the root of anxiety, depression, and disturbing thoughts with practical examples on how to use the neurocycle to develop good habits, break bad ones, develop mental toughness, detox from trauma, and more.

You may enjoy how Leaf includes the research and neuroscience behind why these techniques work and what areas in the brain are being activated by them.

You manage your mind by training your mind to think in certain ways so you develop habits and ways of thinking to support change, happiness and success for you. In just 63 days, you can start to clean up your mental mess and be on the road to wholeness, peace, and happiness. A great book, I recommend you read it.

The book is available at and Exclusive Books.

Weekend Argus

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