Pumpkin Pie books for kids help them to address big emotional battles in life

Author says she wanted children to see themselves in the main character and encourage them to not shy away from expressing their feelings. l SUPPLIED

Author says she wanted children to see themselves in the main character and encourage them to not shy away from expressing their feelings. l SUPPLIED

Published Mar 18, 2023


Cape Town – It is every parent’s wish to see their children overcome all that life throws at them.

With the Pumpkin Pie series starting a conversation about self expression and self-love might even be easier as children are likely to relate to the main character.

One of the books, “Pumpkin Finds Her Queen”, navigates through the emotional journey of a girl named Pumpkin Pie who dislikes her curly hair because it was different from the rest of her friends.

“She’d fight and cry and stomp her feet. Why her hair was different, she couldn ’t understand, Why she felt so bad. She didn’t look like Kerry, Their hair was flat and straight and long, Or like Sita or like Sam. It didn’t go kazam! “ reads the book.

However she’d kept her frustration a secret until her older sister caught her trying to straighten the hair and talk some sense to her.

“Pumpkin Pie you’re brave and Pumpkin you descend from queens, you're silly and you ’re smart. You have the kindest heart. So never let your hair, your difference make you smaller. Pumpkin you are you, so you should walk a little taller,” said the sister.

She then compares herself to how flowers grew differently but all looked beautiful. Then we see the story taking a twist as she starts embracing her curls.

Author Bianca Flanders said she wanted to use Pumpkin as a vehicle to explore uncomfortable feelings, saying the book would give parents a lot to talk about and unpack with their kids.

“I thought it would be helpful to have Pumpkin explore those feelings, so kids could feel seen and understood, and know how to deal with them. When they see a character struggle and overcome something, then they realise that they can do the same,” said Flanders.

The series is illustrated by Zinelda McDonald and is published by Penguin Random House Publishers. The second book is entitled “Pumpkin Finds Her Kindness” and explores how she deals with jealousy and eventually realises it wasn’t good and worth it. She starts changing her attitude and behaviour.

“I like the idea that the problem is less obvious, and that it's something many people can relate to. Pumpkin is so human, she’s not perfect and has her own struggles, just like we all do. The book will give them a lot to talk about and unpack with their kids. It's a great vehicle for beginning uncomfortable discussions without judgment,” added McDonald.

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