Hope amidst a drug scourge

A Villiersdorp community organisation is appealing for help to rehabilitate drug addicts. Picture: Supplied

A Villiersdorp community organisation is appealing for help to rehabilitate drug addicts. Picture: Supplied

Published May 4, 2024


A Villiersdorp community organisation is appealing for help to rehabilitate drug addicts in the hopes of reuniting them with their families.

After years of hard work to fight his own addictions, Vision of Hope founder Julian Plaatjies, 43, said the town had been hard hit with drug abuse which has escalated over the last 20 years.

Speaking to the Weekend Argus the former 28s gang member said many addicts have been ousted from their communities with no place to turn.

He said while he changed his life after being shown love from a stranger whom he later married, some addicts have been left isolated with no hope of rebuilding their lives.

“I was in and out of jail for many years. I started using drugs in primary school and it all went down hill from there. I had 13 convictions for theft and house breaking and spent years in prison.

“When I was released in 2005, I just went back to my old ways until I became the most notorious thief in Villiersdorp. This was the time when tik was introduced and it took over the town. I decided to leave my family home because the community had planned a bundu court to kill me.”

Vision of Hope founder Julian Plaatjies, 43.

Plaatjies said while living in a toilet for shelter he met his wife, Chante, who saw him struggling and brought him food.

“I started Vision of Hope and each day we host rehab programmes and provide homeless people and addicts with a meal. We try to show them kindness so they can feel stronger …to rebuild their lives.”

To assist, call Plaatjies on 078 969 3929.

Weekend Argus

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