‘iMeditate Africa’ to promote holistic well-being through yoga, breathwork and meditation

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Published May 17, 2024


THE Art of Living Foundation and The International Association for Human Values, under the leadership of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will host iMeditate Africa on May 24 to mark Africa Month and Africa Day.

This initiative, launched in 2013, aims to promote holistic well-being, inner peace, and community resilience across the African continent through yoga, breathwork and meditation.

“The campaign has gained significant traction over the past decade. This year, all 54 African countries are participating in hosting the continent’s largest live online meditation event with Gurudev,” said Ashie Singh, the Art of Living Foundation SA Trustee and Brand Manager.“

The event will take place on May 24 at 3.30pm (CAT) and will be broadcast live from the Art of Living International Centre in Bangalore, India.

Gurudev - a global humanitarian and ambassador of peace, spearheading a movement for a stress-free, violence-free society - will be joined by a delegation of African leaders and influencers at the live broadcast. The aim is to reach a minimum of 5 million participants from across the continent, who will meditate together for peace in Africa.

Gurudev emphasises the importance of inner peace, stating: “If people can access inner peace, then outer peace becomes a reality.”

Why Africa should meditate

“The benefits of meditation extend beyond individual well-being. In regions affected by conflict or post-conflict environments, stress reduction through meditation can foster a peaceful mindset among individuals and communities. Moreover, mental well-being through meditation can empower communities to better cope with adversities, leading to greater stability and prosperity,” said Singh.

“Leaders who practise meditation may exhibit more thoughtful, compassionate decision-making, contributing to good governance, social cohesion, and economic prosperity. Empowering individuals with meditation tools can build resilient communities that navigate socio-political challenges peacefully, preventing escalation into violence.

“Integration of meditation practices into various sectors, including education, healthcare, governance, and community development programs, can foster peace and prosperity across the continent while promoting inclusive growth and social justice.”

In his address to Africa in May 2021, Gurudev urged Africa to embrace meditation.

He had said: “Let Africa’s heartbeat synchronise with the rhythm of meditation, for within its embrace lies the power to awaken the continent’s dormant potential, nurture its unity amidst diversity, and unleash the boundless creativity of its people.”

Register free for the Peace Meditation and interactive session with Gurudev on May 24th at www.imeditateafrica.com.


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