5 beauty treatments to try for better looking skin this winter

Spa treatments are good for your skin. Picture: Pexels.

Spa treatments are good for your skin. Picture: Pexels.

Published May 15, 2024


With winter here, our skin is likely to go through some changes, trying to adapt to a new season.

Some will experience flaky skin, while others will be prone to dryness. The best way to combat skincare woes is undergoing treatments that will protect your skin from the harsh winter winds.

Some of the following treatments are not only beneficial to the skin but body and mind as well.

Chocolate mud treatment

Chocolate is not only a delicacy you enjoy for dessert but it also works well on the skin. The best way to use it is by exfoliating in a chocolate mud treatment in a steam-infused lounge.

Due to its antioxidants, chocolate helps with anti-ageing, leaving the skin moisturised.

Chocolate mud treatment helps with anti-ageing. Picture: Pexels.

Phytic clay skin treatment

This effective skin treatment that includes Mandelic acid and Phytic acid was formulated to stimulate collagen production, improve skin rejuvenation and tighten the skin.

The highly effective Mandelic acid provides excellent treatment results for dermal de-ageing, hyperpigmentation and problematic skin.

This treatment is for most skin types, except sensitive.

Vitamin C skin treatment

Rich in antioxidants, this treatment is good for improving skin health. It increases collagen and elastin regeneration, resulting in visibly firmer and tighter skin. It is recommended for all skin conditions.

Hot stone massage

This relaxing massage includes smooth, flat, heated stones made from basalt, placed on different parts of the body such as the spine, chest, palms and feet.

The hot stones are accompanied by a massage using long strokes, vibration and circular movements. This massage is known for reducing stress, releasing tension, relaxing the skin and improving sleep patterns.

Hot stone massage also helps relax the skin. Picture: Pexels.

At-home spa treatment

You can never go wrong with a home spa because not only is it cost-effective, but it also hits the right spots. You already know what your body and skin need, take care of that with just a hot bathtub soak.

The secret is to add ingredients like bath salts, bath milk and charcoal soap to remove unwanted toxins.

You can also cultivate warm scenery by lighting scented candles and adding rose petals to your bath.

After that soak, finish with a quality moisturiser to build in the hydration this winter.