Meditation for beginners - tips on how to get started

Try and find a quiet place to meditate. Picture: Oluremi Adebayo / Pexels

Try and find a quiet place to meditate. Picture: Oluremi Adebayo / Pexels

Published May 17, 2024


Meditation is a powerful practice that has been used for centuries to promote, focus, and overall well-being. For beginners, starting a meditation practice can seem daunting, but with consistency and patience, it can become a valuable tool for managing stress and enhancing mental clarity.

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a particular thought, object, or activity, in order to achieve a state of calm inner peace.

It has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and negativity, while also improving concentration and overall mental health.

If you would like to include meditation as a part of self-care, here are some tips to help you get started.

Find a quiet and comfortable space

To begin meditating it’s important to find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without any distractions.

This could be a corner of your bedroom, a peaceful park, or even a quiet room in your home.

Find a quiet place. Picture: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Start with short sessions

When starting out with meditation, it's best to begin with short sessions of 5-10 minutes to help you ease into the practice.

As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the length of your sessions.

Focus on your breathing

One of the simplest and most effective meditation techniques for beginners is to focus on your breathing.

Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths, focusing on the sensation of air entering and leaving your body.

This can help calm your mind and bring your attention to the present moment.

Focus on your breathing. Picture: Thirdman / Pexels

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgement.

You can practice mindfulness by bringing your attention to the present moment, such as focusing on the sounds around you or the sensations in your body.

Use guided meditations

If you’re new to meditation, you may find it helpful to use guided meditations to help you stay focused and relaxed.

There are many free resources available online, including apps and websites that offer guided meditation sessions for beginners.

There are many free resources available online. Picture: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

Be patient and consistent

Like any new skill, meditation takes time and practice to master.

Be patient with yourself and try to make meditation a regular part of your daily routine.

Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of meditation.

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