When recruiters disappear

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Published Feb 26, 2017


QUESTION 1: Twice I was recruited for positions and had

background checks and interviews with the hiring managers. The recruiter in

each case - one with the company, one an outside contractor - assured me that

the position was mine. I was given a salary and a start date and told to wait

for an offer letter. Then, nothing. When I tried to call or email the

recruiters and hiring managers, I was met with deafening silence. I never did

find out why these offers, if they were real offers, were pulled at the last


QUESTION 2: I recently answered a job ad and was

contacted by the company's recruiting department. The recruiter discussed the

job and set an interview for me to meet the hiring manager. Early in the

interview, the manager told me there was not a job opening - they just wanted

potential candidates for their "pipeline." When I followed up with

the recruiter, he appeared genuinely surprised and said that as far as he knew,

there was an open position. After checking with his company, he informed me

that the company was continuing its search to fill the position. Since then, he

will not answer my emails or phone calls, and neither will the employer's HR

department. Is this legal? The company continues to post this position online.

ANSWER: It's not clear - or relevant - whether the

recruiters in these cases misunderstood or were misled by the employers. When a

candidate is left hanging, both employer and recruiter come off looking


In Question 1's case, it's possible that both those

offers fell through for any number of legitimate reasons - but the recruiters'

and employers' failure to follow up at all was "unethical, troubling and

wrong," says Jeremy Tolley, an HR executive with Tennessee-based

health-care provider CareHere.

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Several scenarios could apply in Question 2's case:

Management didn't convey its "pipeline plan" to the recruiter; the

recruiter liked the applicant, but the manager didn't; or the recruiter is

omitting details to get bodies in the door - unprofessional, but not something

you're likely to win a lawsuit over.

Going back to the employers themselves is the right call,

if only to let them know that their recruiters may be doing harm to their

image. "Great places to work are concerned about their employment brand

and want to do the right thing; they want to know if someone feels they have

been subject to unethical treatment by recruiters or hiring managers,"

says Tolley.

Branding and best intentions aside, it's not unreasonable

for employers to rely on recruiters to handle most interactions with job

candidates. But for the arrangement to work, both parties must commit to clear

communication with each other and with candidates, even when the news is bad.

Pro tip

: In

addition to researching recruiters on LinkedIn, you should check out the

employers they represent on glassdoor.com, looking for complaints about shady

hiring practices.


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