Avocado lovers are willing to try this interesting hack to keep their favourite fruit fresher for longer

Lisa Couch Williams from South Carolina in America tried the hack and said avocados in the fridge were perfect while those on the counter top had rotted. Picture: Facebook

Lisa Couch Williams from South Carolina in America tried the hack and said avocados in the fridge were perfect while those on the counter top had rotted. Picture: Facebook

Published Feb 23, 2022


DURBAN - Social media users have reacted to a hack that helps keep avocados fresher for longer.

It is known that avocados do not have a long shelf life.

This has been copied and posted on various social media accounts, so it was difficult who the source was.

Lisa Couch Williams from South Carolina in America tried the hack and said avocados in the fridge were perfect while those on the counter top had rotted. Picture: Facebook

However, one of the first posts was by Lisa Couch Williams in South Carolina, America.

The post reads: “Avocado lovers, sit down because I’m about to change your life. Did y’all already know this?? Avocados stay good for-freaking-ever if you put them in water in the fridge. These have been in here for two whole dang weeks while the control group on the counter top rotted. They’re perfect. I’m speechless. If y’all knew and didn’t tell me imma be BIG MAD.” (sic)

Lisa Couch Williams from South Carolina in America tried the hack and said avocados in the fridge were perfect while those on the counter top had rotted. Picture: Facebook

The hack has also been screenshot and shared to other forms of social media such as Twitter.

It has become the answer to avocado problems.

A woman who accidentally bought too many avocados opted to try the hack and said she would do an update soon.

The hack has been shared on food-related Facebook pages and groups, as well savers groups.

Daily News

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