Nappy changing? It’s daddy’s duty

Today's dads are also getting less sleep than mums when taking care of night-time duties.

Today's dads are also getting less sleep than mums when taking care of night-time duties.

Published Mar 22, 2016



London - For new parents, a good night’s sleep is little more than a fond memory.

But it seems fathers are taking on the lion’s share of the night-time chores.

They are enjoying less sleep than mothers and lead the way with nappy changes at night, a survey has found.

The research shows that while 71 percent of fathers say they change nappies at night, less than two thirds of mums - 64 percent – do the same. Today’s dads are also getting less sleep than mums. Some 57 percent of mothers get seven hours or more of sleep a night compared to 54 percent of fathers.

Meanwhile, 43 percent of fathers get just four to six hours of sleep compared to 38 percent of mums.

While 41 percent of parents of young children manage around four to six hours sleep, nearly nine in ten babies and children enjoy the luxury of seven hours or more per night and 47 percent manage ten hours.

Nappy changes during daylight hours are still mostly the responsibility of mothers.

Some 59 percent change their youngest child’s nappy four to six times a day, compared to 41 percent of fathers.

Charlotte Libby from Mintel, the consumer analysts which carried out the survey, said: “Men are increasingly occupying spaces previously thought of as ‘feminine’.”

Today’s fathers are more likely than women to be seen buying traditional products for their child such as baby lotion and powder.

But despite their willingness to shop for essentials, 56 percent of fathers say they are overwhelmed by the range of products available.

Daily Mail

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