Veil issue sparks clash in Tunisia

Published Mar 8, 2012


Tunis - Ultraconversative Muslim students have clashed with leftists at a Tunisian university over women's right to wear the face veil. Five people were injured in the fighting.

Since a popular uprising toppled its secular dictator a year ago, Tunisia has seen a rise in activity by religious groups.

Manouba University, which sits just outside the capital Tunis, has witnessed numerous demonstrations by hardline Islamist students, known as Salafis, who insist the university change its policy to allow women to wear the veil during classes and exams.

The Salafis also said that Wednesday's clash with leftist students from the official student union came as they were trying to avenge an attack on two veiled students by the dean of the university. He denies the charge, saying he was the one attacked. - Sapa-AP

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