Julius Malema is a racist - most IOL readers

Published Nov 23, 2009


By Ainsley Daniels

The Young Communist League of South Africa wants to talk to the ANC Youth League about its president, Julius Malema, and his recent fiery comments in public.

Most readers shared the same sentiment as the Young Communist League when asked in a poll.

IOL asked its readers: Is Julius Malema a racist?

Of the 1 429 people who participated in the 88 percent (1 257 votes) said "Yes" and 12 percent (172 votes) said "No"

Here are some of the comments posted online:


Yes he is. For the simple reason that he can only see race in everything he gets involved in. And since he involves himself in everything, you get the picture. He's a tub-thumping, one-trick pony with absolutely nothing to offer this country other than hatred and stupidity.


He has so much hatred inside of him toward white people that he utters racial slurs on an ongoing basis without thinking what type of message he is sending across to our youth/nation. He should be disciplined and though the correct ways by his elders or he should not be allowed to make public speeches. He has no manners or respect for anybody including his own race.

Denis Esau from Boksburg:

Mr Malema is not any different from the majority of Whites. If he is that bad as a racist - so are they. Malema is being crucified for being too honest and straightforward. He calls a spade a spade. He doesn't pretend to be what he is not. I notice each time a black person enters a white shop. Whites would normally give an ugly grin of a fake smile. Malema is not racist - he only calls a spade a spade. He is a true Pan Africanist. He gives all people an equitable share of his utterances, regardless of colour. Wake up - people!


This constant racist attack and deliberate media biased against Julius is only succeeding in making him more popular. Most South Africans are becoming more resolved and determined to rally behind Julius. We will continue to support him for us long as he speaks truth to power. It's evident that a when someone dare to challenge white people they will be called names.

Mzansi M:

He is more of an attention seeker than a racist. He thrives on making comments that are not in line with main stream thinking and the Press seems to love that, "Malema says this..., Malema says that....," . We seem to be the only nation in the world where debates on national issues are dominated by the youth leagues, instead of seasoned mature politicians. Is this a reflection of our young democracy or a mere clumsy political landscape?


I don't think I have ever seen or heard of a person more racist than Mr Malema! I am not to blame for apartheid. My parents were neither. My mother only voted in the 94 elections as she had Danish citizenship. My father did not allow her to become a South African as he did not trust the National government and wanted her to be able to escape if need be. He himself was part of the underground beginnings of the then PFP - they had to be secret. Ever since I could understand what segregation was about, I felt guilt at being white and was very happy to stand and vote for change in the referendum all those years ago in the 80's. Yes... if ever we need an example of a racist, look at Mr Julius Malema.


The ANCYL may not need the SACP's political "messiah"s permission to think - but it clearly needs to reconsider allowing Julius Malema to speak on its behalf as he obviously does not think at all before speaking!!!


Malema is not racist at all.truth hurts ppl are used in lies.yes JD he speaks his mind.Malema you are star, a spade is a spade period.

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