Surf’s up - January 11, 2011

Published Jan 11, 2011


Can you believe 2010 is gone? It was undoubtedly TV’s best year yet. With the World Cup on our shores, every station tailored its content around the games.

Soon, even the ignorant anti-football fans were in tune with the off-sides rule and 18 areas. It was a time when the usually annoying sound of the vuvuzela was welcome because it was not restricted to the game and on the streets – even TV news readers blew their plastic horns on their set. It all came to a quick end, but spirits were still high.

The TV landscape broadened by mid-year as a lot of players came forth to give us fresh material. M-Net launched Mzansi Magic, a channel that gave local producers a chance to air their shows.

At first there were mixed feelings about how great this venture would be, but with good shows such as Tonight with Trevor Noah, Kuli Roberts’s Headline and the Afda small projects, it was clear this was a step in the right direction. Soon other players such as beefed up their local content and more independent local production firms showed us their work.

We all know the SABC had been having problems, but before this Titanic hit rock-bottom, we saw it resurface with new and revamped shows: Intersexions, Live and Real Goboza.

Since the year ended on that fiercely competitive note, we are set for a great 2011, with more great local shows. Speaking of which, what became of that Diski show Unathi Nkayi and SABC1 promised us last year?

Do have a tattoo? No, I won’t ask where, I just want to know if you have one. If you do, what inspired it?

Some people feed off others when it comes to tattoos. In public places a person can spot an impressive tattoo on someone and instantly like it so much that they decide to go and have the same thing done on themselves.

Some have the oriental alphabet characters inked on them, yet they don’t even know their true meaning. What if the tattoo is saying something about their mother?

Avoid just following a trend and have an intimate meaning for your tattoo. Watching this show could be a good place to start for inspiration.

While we laugh at this or that joke on her show, Ellen is not joking about her world domination ambitions. Most of the gifts she gives away are custom-made with her name or face printed on them. If she is not bragging about making it on Oprah’s magazine cover, she is pointing out her stint as a judge on American Idol.

The TV star is hard at work promoting herself in sometimes not-so-subtle ways.

Still, the life-changing moments we witness make it worth the watch, as do the celebrities hosted on a daily basis.

Eish, Bill Spencer. Where did that character come from? With the take-over of Forrester Originals by his successful company, it looks as if Ridge and his gang’s egos are taking a further knock. Now Eric has to watch his dead rival’s son run a company he had owned all his life.

How long is this going to last? Nick tried to get the company before, but there were loopholes in the plan, to the extent that we thought it would never be possible for a non-Forrester to run the company.

Let’s see where this storyline is headed.

Oh hail the prince! You know something is a classic when you see it years later and still have the same fun you had when it first came out. Yes, they may have not been talking about cellphones or e-mails, but backward as they seem now, cast members of Fresh Prince of Bel Air were ahead of their time.

If he is not hitting us with cheesy lines on girls, Will Smith’s character is being silly just to make you laugh. Joseph Marcell, who stars as the butler, could have a show of his own with his talent. - Tonight

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