Yes, race does matter

Kenneth Mokgatlhe

Kenneth Mokgatlhe

Published Dec 28, 2023


Kenneth Mokgatlhe

I was shocked by the silence that greeted Hamas’s callous executions of two young Tanzanians. Hamas kidnapped them on October 7, when it started a war by attacking innocent and unarmed civilians in Israel.

The two Tanzanians, Joshua Mollel and Clemence Felix Mtenga, were in Israel as part of an agricultural project to equip themselves with knowledge that would allow them to contribute to the economy of their country. Death was the last thing on their minds.

While I accept that South Africa supports the terrorist organisation Hamas, whose sole purpose is to exterminate the State of Israel, it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that there was no condemnation or messages of support by the South African government and political parties on the killing of the two Africans. Why was it so difficult to send a message of condolences to Tanzania or to the families of the two young bright leaders who died in the foreign country?

Some naysayers are convincing themselves that the two men should not have been in Israel in the first place. This is a ridiculous and selfish view. People go to various countries to pursue their dreams, goals and ambitions. The two men were not in Israel for a holiday. They were there to learn and develop themselves in the field of agriculture so that they could go back and serve their country’s development agenda. They are soldiers who fell on the battleground. Theirs was a development and innovation battle.

The international laws of war are clear: civilians should be protected by all warring parties. It is important to remember that Mollel and Mtenga were Tanzanian students studying in Israel, not Israeli citizens. Mollel was sprayed with bullets from Hamas’s machine guns at a close range. This after he appealed to his killers not to take his life. Hamas was merciless and continued to do what it always does: kill.

For decades, Africans have pursued studies in foreign countries, including those that were colonisers, even though those countries were responsible for our underdevelopment. Yet, th same people are hypocritical, criticising Israel, a country that continues to help find technological and innovative ways to improve our agricultural, medical and ecological sectors.

Equally, it does not make sense that the AU keeps quiet when Africans become casualties. The AU should speak with a strong and clear voice and reprimand those who believe that African lives are cheap. The AU should be the last line of defence for all of us in Africa. Why are they quiet when Africans are slaughtered in Gaza?

By contrast, the efforts of the Tanzanian and Israeli governments should be applauded. They have stood with the bereaved families during these trying times. Burying a child is painful and the grief remains with the parent forever.

I, like many other young people from across Africa, am in Israel to pursue my studies so that I can contribute to my country. What we learn in Israel, we will take back home, to assert positive changes in society. We have a common goal to alleviate poverty, improve water management, decrease crime, fight diseases and combat underdevelopment.

As we continue to witness African countries’ challenges to create jobs and business opportunities, the agricultural sector in Israel will continue to attract foreign workers from Kenya and Malawi. Growing economies in the world, like Nigeria, understand and acknowledge the importance of remittances as the greatest source of foreign exchange. This will be a big boost to the Kenyan and Malawian economies.

Should we prohibit Africans from working in Israel? The answer is a big no. Much of Africa’s economies are unable to provide the employment opportunities needed for them to look after their families and boost the economy. Rather than try to prevent movement, we should be encouraging young people to visit foreign countries and expand their knowledge to develop our own countries.

For those who compare the African struggle with Hamas’s struggle and believe that is the correct position, there is something wrong with their moral values. Why would South Africa, under President Cyril Ramaphosa, continue to support organisations that do not hesitate to kill another black person, and for no reason?

Race matters. I cannot support anyone who wishes or sees nothing wrong with killing an African who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The world places Africa at the end of its radar. In this time and era, we should reclaim our power back by restoring our lost dignity and integrity. We should condemn and call out anyone who seeks to intimidate black lives. Wherever we are in the world, we should always remember how the world has not been fair to us and we should try to change the world’s treatment of black people. #BlackLivesMatter. Even in Gaza.

Mokgatlhe is a columnist and political writer Ben Gurion University where he is doing his Master of Arts in African Studies.

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