Mihlali Ndamase hits back at ex Leeroy Sidambe: ‘Don’t post in Dubai like you’re bosses when you owe me’

Mihlali Ndamase has confirmed that she has split from her businessman boyfriend Leeroy Sidambe amid speculation, she was having a lonely Christmas. Picture:Taff Meda

Mihlali Ndamase has confirmed that she has split from her businessman boyfriend Leeroy Sidambe amid speculation, she was having a lonely Christmas. Picture:Taff Meda

Published Dec 29, 2023


For a hot minute, social media users have picked up that digital creator and media personality Mihlali Ndamase is a single woman this festive season.

She has been seen hanging out with her family and friends more often and living her life without her known boyfriend Leeroy Sidambe.

The couple has seen their fair share of trending and headline moments and it seems now all has come crashing down.

While some people were trying to get their rest in during all these busy festive days - Ndamase spilt the tea that she had broken up with Sidambe.

“I left that person in October. Ndine peace,” wrote the influencer on her Instagram Stories.

“Don’t post in Dubai like your (sic) bosses when you owe me bandla. Talking about catching feelings, who was coughing up money in Mexico when your card was declining? Lol don’t try me.”

The popular influencer was quick with the post-and-delete, but the message was out that Sidambe owed her money from their Mexico trip while he was living his best life in Dubai with his boys.

Sidambe has been living his best vacay life by hosting a big Christmas lunch with his family, including the extended ones with no Mihlali in sight, prompting many to think his estranged ex-wife could be back in the picture.

Sidambe’s relationship with his ex-wife Mary Jane has placed Ndamase in the spotlight with many dragging her for dating the married businessman, with Musa Khawula even labelling her Mary Jane Lite.

Ndamase’s messy split from Sidambe, confirmed by her tea spilling, has opened up a huge can of worms on social media with many weighing in on the relationship ending.

@Yolokazi_chagi said: “Oh Mihlali Mntase what a mess 💔💔he refused to spend Christmas with u & now he is doing Solo vacation & kissing girls there after he promised to Marry you after the finalisation of his Divorce 😭Amadoda chommie?”

@Yamkelagrey said: “What I am struggling to understand is why does a beautiful, successful and smart young woman doing with a man undergoing a divorce. Like your dating pool is so wide, why bring that stress to yourself? Mihlali kodwa!”

— The President of Sassy Men (@Yamkelagrey) December 29, 2023

@Tebogo_ZA said: “Mihlali was using her OWN money to fund lifestyle for a married man??? He was probably taking her money to give to the wife and kids…she did all this without vomiting blood?”

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