Man sentenced for raping five-year-old girl, giving her R2 to keep quiet

The child was taken to a nearby shack and raped. File Picture

The child was taken to a nearby shack and raped. File Picture

Published Nov 13, 2023


A 30-year-old rapist from the Northern Cape has been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in the Springbok Regional Court.

Simphiwe Babi was convicted of raping a five-year-old girl after he entered into a plea and sentencing agreement with the State.

According to information before the court, on November 1, 2020, in Nababeep near Springbok, the mother of the five-year-old victim gave her some money to go to a nearby shop so she could buy herself an ice lolly.

The child went to the shop and on her way back she met Babi, who was known to her as her father’s barber.

He requested the child return to the shop and also purchase him an ice lolly.

When the child returned from the shop, Babi took her to a nearby shack and raped her.

The court heard after the incident he gave the child R2 and told her not to tell anyone what happened.

When she arrived home, the child immediately told her mother what happened. Her father was also informed and the matter was reported to the police.

The child was taken to a hospital where she received medical treatment and a J88 medical report was completed.

Babi was arrested and chose to plead guilty to the charge of rape.

He indicated he was remorseful of his actions.

Entering into a sentencing agreement with the State, Babi was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment, of which five years is suspended for five years on condition he is not convicted of contravening any provisions of the Criminal Law Sexual Offences and Related Matters Act 32 of 2007.

He will effectively serve 20 years in prison.

The court further ordered his name to be placed on the National Register for Sex Offenders.