Land a job this year with these top expert tips for job hunting

Make the most of your CV by outlining all of your most relevant experience and accomplishments, and delete any material that is no longer relevant. Photo; Pexels

Make the most of your CV by outlining all of your most relevant experience and accomplishments, and delete any material that is no longer relevant. Photo; Pexels

Published Jan 16, 2023


Job opportunities in South Africa are far and few in between, with the competition rife with eager graduates and non-graduates alike.

To stay ahead of other applicants, you must master some tips and tricks to come out on top and impress recruitment consultants.

For companies, Nadia Vatalidis, the VP of People for HR experts, Remote advised, said: ‘’To attract talent in such a competitive job market, it’s more important than ever to be honest and transparent. Include salary information and employee benefits in the job listing, and be upfront about exactly who and what you’re looking for.

‘’If you can offer flexible working conditions – call this out as an incentive! So many top performers are actively seeking roles with more autonomy and life-work balance.’’

Here is what the HR experts recommend:

Give your CV a 2023 makeover

Tailoring your CV to the work you're going for is usually a smart idea, especially if you haven't updated it in a while.

Make the most of it by outlining all of your most relevant experience and accomplishments, and delete any material that is no longer relevant. It's also a good idea to have someone you trust go over the document and look for any spelling or grammatical issues.

Restructure your CV to emphasise quantifiable value. Demonstrate your performance experience by listing the results you obtained that are relevant to your intended role.

Remember to make things brief and easy to read. A recruiter or hiring manager should only need two pages to get the most crucial facts across.

Do some new-year networking

In 2023, networking is the means to get ahead. Update your LinkedIn and social media profiles, and seek to create important contacts if you haven't previously.

There are lots of people out there who will be pleased to assist you attain your job objectives, whether it is an ex-classmate from university who now works at your dream firm or a more experienced colleague who can give you suggestions on how to succeed.

If you have a small list of target companies for which you'd like to work, try to identify a link who has previously worked there or is presently on staff. Speak with someone on the inside to learn about the available positions and what is required of top candidates.

Set realistic goals

When it comes to career objectives, be sure they are both practical and attainable.

Setting long-term objectives that are ambitious is fantastic, but setting some shorter-term goals that you can realistically attain within a year is also a good idea.

For example, if your long-term goal is to go freelancing, you may want to prioritise obtaining relevant experience and building up your portfolio as much as possible for the time being.

Know what you want from a new role

Job hunting can be challenging, especially if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. Before you start applying for employment, think about what you want from your new position.

Make a list of roles and firms that interest you, and make a note of why they do. This will assist you in narrowing your selections and locating the best role for you.

Know what you don’t want from a new role

Along with knowing what you want from a new work, you need also know what you don't want. Consider what motivated you to quit your present or former position: was it a lack of advancement? Is your life/work balance lacking? Or is it simply time for a change?

Whatever the case may be, recognising what you despise about your present or past employment may assist you in determining your priorities for the future one.

Make a list of deal-breakers and use it to filter down the roles you're interested in. If you make it to the interview stage, ask your point of contact to clear up any confusion.

IOL Business