Choosing to fly amidst a fall

Published Jul 10, 2021


Sibulele Siko-Shosha

The uncertainties of the pandemic have put many-a-entrepreneur in a fuzzy wave on uncertainty.

The numerous dances in-between lock down levels have had jarring and unavoidable repercussions that have put businessmen and women at their pivot sell-by-date. This is an extremely scary time to own business of any size.

However, putting fear aside for a minute, this is also the perfect time to own a business. Why do I say this?

Right now, every entrepreneur has been forced into survival mode. Although challenging, being cornered makes you prioritize what is important.

There are two options that every business owner has in such ecosystem; they can either fight to stay afloat, or take flight to the nearest hole, where they can avoid reality and hide, hope that everything will crash in their absence or fix itself.

I have chosen both options through many situations over the years. I can confirm, that fighting to stay afloat is the most rewarding, even if you end up sinking.

One thing that becomes very clear in a moment of crisis, such as this is, is that business is ultimately about money. Yes, maintaining relationships is important, but in the spirit of focusing on what is important, during the time like this, money is the most vital resource for every business to stay afloat.

For us small business owners, a late payment results in a non-payment of something else. This sometimes results in Social Media feuds that server relationships and bruise reputations. Now, the pre-therapy attending, pre-business coach-having Sibulele would avoid calls and communication, hoping for a cosmic alliance to form between her creator and ancestors to give herself some time to breathe.Don’t ask me why I am referring to myself in the third person here, it just seems right.

I will circle back to the importance of having the right kind of support during this time in my next column.

Another thing we need to be cognizant of is our cultural relationship with money. Growing up in a Khayelitsha, money was a taboo necessity that was conversed about with the greatest of awkwardness. It was “this thing” that had a function and many names, but one thing I knew about money is that it had power to build or break. The taboo(ness) of money is a scarlet letter with which I have had as a presence in my entrepreneurial journey, but have since cut it loose, off me.

Recently my business has been faced with its own survival season: less timeous invoice payments have resulted in me as a business owner, being faced with either embracing the challenge head on, or regressing back to seeking solace in the Divine. This time around I chose the first option.

Although business is about money, it’s foundation will forever be based on relationships. These relationships can only be nurtured and nourished through honesty.

I found during this survival season, although uncomfortable, honesty and clear communication is the best way to keep the fire of hope and resilience, burning, though of late, my own flame has been dwindling.

I now realize that this is the conditioning I needed to perfect before I embrace my ’next level’. This has been hard. It has been met with push back. As the recipient of many of these tough conversations, they have been the hardest to digest as survival has now become a priority for me and my business.

Today I find myself building a community of fellow entrepreneurs who communicate with honesty, vulnerability and most importantly, compassion.

There is a beauty about being in the “trenches” with your community. You find that sweet spot where can thrive and rebuild together.

Therefore, a crisis is better survived when you are not on your own.

This is a perfect time for entrepreneurs to learn the value of currency, beyond commerce, as it is usually the thing that keeps you afloat when the going gets tough.

Sibulele Siko-Shosha is the founder, creative director and TV executive producer of the Dumile Group.

* The views expressed here are not necessarily those of IOL or of title sites.


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