CAPE TOWN - The first virtual school to offer CAPS and Cambridge curriculum from Grade R to Grade 12, THINK Digital College is now available as an alternative schooling system for children in SA.
The operations of the school are seen as flexible, convenient, cost effective and is an immediate virtual schooling system as it is possible for students to work from anywhere that has internet or from a Think Tutor Centre at the click of a button.
Registrations for the 2017 academic programme are currently open with fees varying from R 3,500 per year for Grade R to R9,500 for Grade 12.
All the student needs is a smart phone or tablet and internet connection to complete their schooling from anywhere in the world.
Students will be able to complete their school curriculum guided by online teachers through an engaging and interactive process where a combination of animation and video will be used as teaching tools.
“Our aim is to produce young adults who are innovative, creative and independent in their thinking, who have courage, perseverance and resilience, and who believe in themselves and their potential,” says THINK Digital College CEO Janessa Leita.
Students can simply log on to their profile at any hour of the day, work on assignments/projects and then submit their work to be marked.
Electronic feedback will be sent through to their learning coach portal.
THINK Digital College is registered with SACAI and offers both the National Senior Certificate as well as the Cambridge curriculum.