Navigating the evolving landscape: my insights on labour law changes in 2024

John Botha, Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions. Image: Supplied.

John Botha, Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions. Image: Supplied.

Published Feb 4, 2024


By John Botha

As we step into a new year, the landscape of labour laws stands on the verge of significant transformations, promising a wave of changes that will reshape the way organizations operate.

In this article, I will delve into the anticipated shifts and their implications, providing insights from my perspective as John Botha, Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions, a prominent voice in the realm of labour law.

1. National Minimum Wage: Balancing Fair Compensation and Economic Stability

The proposed increase of CPI +3% from 1 March 2024 in the National Minimum Wage aims to strike a delicate balance between fair compensation and economic stability. However, employers must prepare for potential impacts on their wage structures. Proactive planning is essential to ensure equilibrium between employee well-being and business sustainability.

2. AARTO (Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences): A Paradigm Shift for Employers

Anticipating a new system of traffic fines and demerit points from 1 July 2024 under the AARTO framework, employers must reconsider regulations for employees relying on company vehicles. Compliance is key to avoiding penalties.

3. Pension Funds: Fostering Transparency and Accountability

From 1 September 2024, a new law governing pension fund benefits and governance aims to enhance transparency and accountability. Organisations may need to reassess their policies to align with these changes, emphasising the imperative of sound financial stewardship.

4. Hate Speech Bill: Catalysing Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

The pending Hate Speech Bill, criminalising hate speech and discrimination, mandates comprehensive diversity and inclusion training within organisations. Proactive measures are necessary to foster a respectful workplace culture.

5. NHI (National Health Insurance) Bill: A Universal Healthcare System on the Horizon**

The impending NHI Bill introduces a universal healthcare system funded by taxes. While resistance persists, staying abreast of developments and considering potential impacts on employee benefits and wellness programmes is advised.

6. Companies Amendment Bill: Aligning Governance with Change

As a pending law, the Companies Amendment Bill will usher in changes to company law, affecting aspects like executive remuneration and shareholder rights. Organisations must align their governance structures with these impending changes to ensure compliance and uphold sound business practices.

7. Tobacco Products & E-delivery Bill: Shaping Workplace Policies

The pending Tobacco Products & E-delivery Bill seeks to regulate the sale and use of tobacco products and electronic delivery systems. Employers need to revisit workplace policies to address the use of electronic delivery systems and smoking.

8. Employment Equity Amendment Act: A Paradigm Shift in Diversity**

The proposed act empowers the Minister of Employment and Labour to set numerical targets, the Employment Equity Amendment Act calls for proactive diversity and inclusion strategies within organisations to align with impending targets.

These pending regulations detailing the implementation of the Employment Equity Amendment Act is meant to navigate transformation and will further accelerate the transformation of the South African workforce. Organisations must stay vigilant for the date of enforcement and prepare to meet equity targets.

9. Employment Services Amendment Bill: Adapting Workforce Management

A pending law aiming to improve state-provided employment services and regulate independent contractors and foreign nationals requires companies to adapt hiring practices and workforce management strategies.

10. Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill: Rethinking Substance Use Policies

The impending Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill legalises the cultivation and possession of cannabis for personal use. Employers must revisit substance use policies to align them with the new legal framework.

11. COIDA – Rehabilitation & Return to Work Regulations: Fostering Employee Well-being

Pending regulations for Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases emphasise the need for organisations to support and reintegrate injured workers following injuries, highlighting a commitment to employee well-being.

12. OHSA Amendment Act: Enhancing Safety Measures

The OHSA Amendment Act introduces provisions on risk assessment, health and safety committees, and penalties for non-compliance. Organisations must enhance safety measures and ensure compliance with the pending amendments.

13. BCEA – Parental Leave: Recognising Family Values

The introduction of 10 days of parental leave for employees with children below the age of two, subject to confirmation by the Constitutional Court, calls for organisations to revise their parental leave policies to accommodate this progressive provision.

In conclusion, the evolving landscape of labour laws in 2024 demands strategic foresight and adaptability from organisations. These insights shed light on the intricate nuances of these impending changes. I urge businesses to proactively navigate these shifts, foster inclusivity, and ensure compliance to not only meet legal requirements but also to build resilient and sustainable workplaces for the future.

John Botha, Joint CEO of Global Business Solutions.