Learn more about AI and Machine learning with Google's free course

File image: (Reuters).

File image: (Reuters).

Published Mar 2, 2018


INTERNATIONAL - Google is looking to make Machine learning and AI more accessible to consumers with its new Learn with Google AI website.

The company says that the site is meant to be a hub for anyone looking to “learn about core ML concepts, develop and hone your ML skills, and apply ML to real-world problems.”

According to the company, The site caters to all levels of AI enthusiasts, from researchers looking for advanced tutorials to beginners. The site also features a free course called Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC). 

The course is based off an internal Google course that was originally designed to help give Google employees a practical introduction to AI and machine learning. MLCC is available to everyone and it features many exercises, interactive visualisations, and instructional videos to help teach machine learning concepts.

Only needing roughly 15 hours to complete, the course comes  with interactive lessons, lectures from Google researchers and over 40 exercises.

Additionally, Google does recommend that course takers have a mastery of intro-level algebra and some proficiency in programming basics and Python. 

 (Image: Google AI website)

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