Chrysalis Academy graduates assist with safety awareness in Khayelitsha

As many as 60 Chrysalis Academy graduates have been deployed to Khayelitsha, which has been identified as a Covid-19 hot spot in the province. Picture: Supplied

As many as 60 Chrysalis Academy graduates have been deployed to Khayelitsha, which has been identified as a Covid-19 hot spot in the province. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 17, 2020


Cape Town - As many as 60 Chrysalis Academy graduates have been deployed to Khayelitsha, which has been identified as a Covid-19 hot spot in the


The group will be stationed at shopping centres and community health facilities throughout the area, and

will be tasked with encouraging the public to adhere to social distancing, practice good hand hygiene and wear masks.

Khayelitsha has recorded 5318 confirmed Covid-19 cases with 4 129 recoveries.

Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz said the deployment of the graduates in Khayelitsha came courtesy of partnerships with the Khayelitsha Development Forum, Chrysalis Academy, the Health Department and Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

“These crucial partnerships are playing a massive role in ensuring that we flatten the curve in the most affected communities by ensuring that our graduates are adequately trained and prepared,” said Fritz.

“It is very positive to see the number of young people who are playing their part in stopping the spread.

“Their efforts will ensure that we spread awareness, challenge stigmas and ultimately assist in tasks including social distance management within targeted Covid-19 hot spots such as Khayelitsha.”

MSF senior training adviser Ian Proudfoot added: “It was really just giving them the basic science behind messages we’re receiving about why social distancing is important, cleaning one’s hands and surfaces and wearing masks, so that they can understand the principle behind it.

“It’s the shortened version of the planning I usually do (with doctors and patients).”


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Cape Argus

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