Matrics urged to use the time to focus on future plans

no gedleyihlekisa sec school

no gedleyihlekisa sec school

Published Jan 13, 2021


MATRICS should focus on what they can make happen, not on uncertainties.This is according to education expert, Peter Kriel, general manager at The Independent Institute of Education.

The Class of 2020 endured a year of anxiety and many academic challenges. Unlike previous matriculants, the conclusion to their Grade 12 year has dragged on, with them only getting their National Senior Certificate results on February 23. That is a month later than in previous years. This is due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Waiting things out until normal returns one day, is not an option. The world continues despite the challenges we continue to face, and there are things you can do to continue on your personal and professional journey so you are not left behind,”says Kriel.

He advised the exiting Grade 12 pupils to use the time they have to review their plans for the year and ensure that they will continue on their chosen path regardless of any new and unforeseen circumstances that may arise to throw a spanner in the works.

“So, if you have signed up to study somewhere, you can use these coming weeks to make sure that your institution will be able to continue seamlessly in the event of, for instance, another hard lockdown. The way to determine this is to ask an institution about their readiness and ability to quickly adapt their offering to a hybrid or online model.

“Additionally, you should not just take an institution’s word for it, but also speak to students who experienced last year’s response. You need to ask questions to determine whether students last year were able to continue their learning journey seamlessly, whether they got the support they needed to do so effectively, and whether the learning was adapted in such a way that they continued to be engaged,” says Kriel.

The education expert encouraged matric pupils who are still confused about their plans for 2021 to approach different education institutions to seek guidance and advice.

“Our world has changed forever and is becoming more competitive all the time, with technology constantly developing and giving rise to new and exciting career paths. Instead of waiting for your results and attempting to get clarity thereafter, use this time to contact respected registered and accredited institutions that have shown themselves to be up to the task during 2020, and speak to a student advisor about your options,” says Kriel.

He warned that with the 4IR technological age hitting the world fast, pupils needed to upskill their computer technology skills.

“There is much that is outside all of our control right now. But there is still much that is within our control, and by focusing on what they can make happen instead of the many uncertainties that prevail, the Class of 2020 can continue to build on the resilience they displayed last year, and ensure the best possible outcomes for themselves in the face of any new or existing challenges we will face in the future.”

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