90 seconds of rock can get you rolling

Listening to rock music such as some AC/DC mid-morning is a perfect pick-me-up. Here,Brian Johnson, centre, and guitarist Angus Young perform in Paris in 1984.

Listening to rock music such as some AC/DC mid-morning is a perfect pick-me-up. Here,Brian Johnson, centre, and guitarist Angus Young perform in Paris in 1984.

Published Jul 19, 2013


London - Struggling to cope with modern life? Then try sleeping on the wrong side of the bed and listening to 90 seconds of rock music every day at 11.30am.

If you find work repetitive, have a go at writing with different coloured pens or in a different style.


The suggestions come from psychologist Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a professor in human behaviour, who was asked to find ways that we can be more productive.

It followed research by insurer Direct Line which suggested that we try to pack so many activities into our day that a quarter of us end up too tired to enjoy things that should be fun.

To help improve the work-life balance, Dr Chamorro-Premuzic, of the University of Central London, advises doodling a to-do list at the start of every day rather than simply writing it out.

“It can be demotivating to list all of the things you need accomplish in the day. Doodling each task will put a more creative spin on a typically mundane task,” he said.

Listening to rock music mid-morning is a perfect pick-me-up, he said, adding: “At 11.30am, most office workers will experience a slump as it’s been a while since breakfast and lunch still feels a way off, so it’s an ideal time to use music to keep you going.”

Writing with different coloured pens or in a different style can be creatively stimulating, while sleeping on the other side of the bed gets you out of your routine and can give you a fresh perspective on a problem, he said.

His other tips include jogging to meetings because it will raise endorphin levels, eating a piece of fruit at 3pm to combat the afternoon “slump”, and reading a favourite childhood book to boost creativity. - Daily Mail



Listen to a minute and half of loud rock music per day at 11.30am.

Allow time for a power nap during the day.

Jog to meetings and lunch to boost endorphins.

Write in different colours and styles.

Indulge in social media for five minute at a time.

Start a hobby that improves self-esteem - to make the things that “have” to be done, like going to work, feel easier.

Doodle (not write) to-do lists first thing in the morning.

Sleep on the wrong side of the bed.

Eat a piece of fruit at 3pm to combat the afternoon slump.

Change your usual route to work.

Get a personal mantra.

Let imagination and creativity run wild by reading a favourite childhood book.

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