Controversial singer Steve Hofmeyr mocked Charlize Theron for accepting her transgender daughter on Sunday.
Over the weekend Theron revealed that one of her adopted kids revealed to her at three years old that she identifies as a girl and not a boy.
Speaking to Daily Mail the actress said: "Yes, I thought she was a boy, too. Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: 'I am not a boy!' So there you go! I have two beautiful daughters who, just like any parent, I want to protect and I want to see thrive."
Theron's admission about raising a transgender child has garnered mixed responses from the public.
The "Pampoen" singer also weighed in on the matter by mocking Theron and tweeted: "Dear Charlize, My daughter sometimes wears underpants. She is 20 months old. Is it perhaps the right time to ask her if she feels a balance of y-chromosome?".
Liewe Charlize
— Steve Hofmeyr (@steve_hofmeyr) April 21, 2019
My dogter dra soms broekies. Sy is 20 maande oud. Is dit dalk die regte tyd om haar te vra of sy 'n oorwig aan y-chromosoom aanvoel?
Insinuating that children can't understand their gender identity which has been debunked by several gender identity studies.
Tweeps were mixed reactions to his tweet: some tried to educate Hofmeyr about gender identity, while others joined in on making transphobic comments.
Dit is mense soos jy wat afbreek, in pleks van opbou! As jy wil uitspraak maak, gaan lig jouself eers in Of bel Charlize en praat met haar in pleks van die sarkastiese post! Gaan lees bietjie..
— Bennie Maree (@maree_bennie) April 23, 2019
my seuntjie het op 3 gedink hy is 'n hondjie en het water uit die kat se bak gedrink soos 'n hondjie.... kan 'n kind op die ouderdom van 3 regtig so besluit neem? ek het geen issues met so besluit nie, ek wonder maar net...
— Louise Cowling (@L0uMar) April 23, 2019
Being #transgender, like being gay, tall, short, white, black, male, or female, is another part of the human condition that makes each individual unique, and something over which we have no control. We are who we are in the deepest recesses of our minds, hearts and identities.
— Wade Schaerer (@flyboy_wade) April 23, 2019
Toe my kind 3 was wou hy n dolfyn hê om in ons bad aan te hou. Nee, hy het nie sy sin gekry nie. Swak verskoning van n swak ouer. Dit is nie haar kind se wil nie, dit is sy wat alleen en oud is en nou haar kind gebruik vir aandag soek. Dit is kindermishandeling wat sy doen.
— MyBeingInWords (@saayman_liesl) April 22, 2019
Ignorance is bliss, she made her kid feel loved and accepted no matter who they are. It takes a better and stronger parent to let their kids be happy and themselves than a parent who makes their kid feel like who they are is wrong.
— Allie (@AllieHoltzmann) April 23, 2019
— Thoughts Of A Multipotentialite (@ThoughtsOfAMul1)
Theron is not the first celebrity to speak about raising a transgender child. Angelina Jolie previously revealed that her child, Shiloh aka John, identifies as a boy.