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Reimagining Myself – A Journey of Personal Transformation and Entrepreneurial Thinking written by Ntsikelelo Mzibomvu was made possible by Diversity Empowerment and ReimagineSA.

Reimagining Myself – A Journey of Personal Transformation and Entrepreneurial Thinking written by Ntsikelelo Mzibomvu was made possible by Diversity Empowerment and ReimagineSA.

Published Jun 16, 2019


When activist Dr. Mamphela Ramphele writes the forward to a book, you know it’s bound to be good.

Re-imagining Myself – A Journey of Personal Transformation and Entrepreneurial Thinking written by Ntsikelelo Mzibomvu made possible by Diversity Empowerment and ReimagineSA is an easy-to-read guide to the world of personal development and self-actualisation within the South African context.

It offers practical tools and thinking that helps the reader re-imagine how they relate to and create their reality. It also provides a personal development plan and a personal success contract.

An ode to Ntsikelelo from Dr Ramphele reads,“Your book comes at an opportune moment in our country’s history...The challenge for us as citizens, and for you as the generation whose destiny is to re-imagine and rebuild this country, is to give shape to the contours of this new dawn.

“It is now time to heal the divisions of colour coding, gender and class among us, and rediscover the power of healing the wounds of the past to unleash the potential of each citizen to become a self-confident contributor to the common good. You as the torchbearer of your peer group need to keep shining the light in the dark places in our hearts so our mind, spirits and bodies can become places of healing and growth.

“We can never thank you enough for your act of beauty – re-imagining yourself. Your act of beauty is a revolutionary act.  It is an act that has opened the door to others to dare to re dream themselves and for the first time to experience what it means to be free.”

Mzibomvu shares how to approach the process of “Re-imagining Ourselves” through personal development:

Most people don’t like personal development/self-help because they never seem to get the promised results. They try it for a while, then before they know it, they are knocked back into the same circumstances they were trying to run away from.  

For personal development to work, we must understand the seriousness and gravitational pull of our bad habits and habitual thinking. We must make strong resolutions and a commitment to lift off as a spaceship would and break out of the gravitational forces of our habits and thoughts.

It has been proven that it takes at least 21 days to replace an undesirable habit with a new, beneficial one. This is because new habits require a lot of repetition in order to soak them in. In order to get the best out of your personal development plan, here are important points to consider.  

Have a big picture

You must have a big picture of personal development and a thorough understanding of what you want to achieve. This thinking will help you tailor your own model of personal development and guide you when searching for the material you need. In order to do this, ask yourself the following questions:

How will your life story change by engaging in this journey?

What would you like the end game to look like?

Vision and goals

Your vision is where you ultimately see yourself. Your goals are what support the materialisation of the vision. Your vision is your why, the reason that fuels your personal development plan. Without a strong vision and a strong why, we lack the necessary motivation to keep up with our resolutions and our plans, and when we do this to ourselves, we make it harder to start again in the future.

What is your vision – where do you see yourself?

What are the primary goals that need to be achieved in order to realise your vision?

What are the work goals that need to be achieved in the immediate?

What are the personal life (relationship) goals that need to be achieved in the immediate?

What are the environmental goals (influences) that need to be achieved in the immediate?

How do your goals fit into the bigger picture?

Unhook from distractions

What are the distractions that you need to unhook from that are robbing you of your energy and stealing your time? Distractions are everywhere and they are easy to find, but hard to get rid of. It could be that we are watching too much TV, eating too much food, drug addictions, spending too much time on the internet, social media, drinking, porn, spending too much time with friends etc.

What are the top five distractions that you need to unhook from and what do you plan to replace them with?

Build positive habits

Build habits that support your vision and goals. These could include building the habit of going to gym, the habit of practicing yoga, the habit of reading good material, the habit of positive prayer, the habit of meditation, the habit of waking up on time…

What is the one habit that, if you cultivated, would help you build more positive habits?

What positive habits would you like to cultivate before the end of this year?


Journaling helps us keep track of our progress and helps us be aware of our thinking patterns. Writing down our thoughts is the best way to peek into our subconscious mind. The more we do it the more we unveil. It brings the “enemy” to the forefront, and an enemy identified is an enemy half defeated. This is because once we have identified a limiting belief, we are then able to put in place an intervention to replace that belief.

What limiting beliefs do you have? Write it down.

This is the heart of transformation, the process of identifying negative traits and replacing them with positive ideas until our whole being reflects our new and preferable ideas. Journaling is a never-ending process, and should be treated as a lifetime project that keeps track of our challenges, our resolutions, evolution and transformation.

Tips taken from the book Re-imagining Myself by Ntsikelelo Mzibomvu.

Available at www.8eenconcepts.co.za

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