5 Cooking tips for the perfect #Swineapple



Published Aug 8, 2017


The name #Swineapple might leave a bitter taste in your mouth, but the combination of pineapple and bacon could just be the best thing you’ve tasted in a long time - if you love hawaiian pizza.

The recipe is simple. Cut  your pineapple and wrap it in bacon. Roast it and you will create a salty, sweet #Swineapple. 

It could be tricky because no one wants to waste good bacon and a large pineapple will require a lot of bacon.

Here are five tips to get the most out of your #Swineapple:

Season the bacon

Don’t assume that the saltiness of the bacon will be enough to balance out the sweetness of the pineapple. Add a bit more seasoning to the bacon after you’ve wrapped your pineapple, because if the bacon roasts it will become crispy and you might just have too little flavour in your pork.

Don’t burn the bacon

If you burn the bacon it means that you’ve probably got a gooey pineapple mess as well. Keep an eye on the #Swineapple once it’s in the oven and just crisp the bacon. If you leave it unattended you will overcook it and there’s nothing you can do with burnt bacon wrapped in mushy pineapple.

Use good quality bacon

Try to not skimp at the butcher when you buy your bacon. Try to get more than enough bacon strips to cover the pineapple so that no part is exposed to the heat. The thicker your bacon and the broader your strips the better the #Swineapple will taste

Don’t trim the fat

Lean strips of bacon won’t work either because you need the fat to also sizzle in the heat and add that extra flavour to your #Swineapple. So don’t cut off the fat from whatever bacon you choose to use. 

Careful on the braai

If you’re brave enough to braai your #Swineapple just be mindful that it needs to be turned and grilled all round. Wrap it tightly in foil and don’t walk away from the fire. The coals can easily scorch one side of your #Swineapple.

#swineapple #baconlove #baconbacon #baconation #baconlife

A post shared by BacoNation (@official_baconation) on Jul 16, 2017 at 12:34am PDT

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