7 simple tips for eating healthy this summer holiday season

Home made ice tea. Picture: Anniebier from Pixabay

Home made ice tea. Picture: Anniebier from Pixabay

Published Dec 28, 2020


The festive season is traditionally a time to relax the dietary restrictions and let loose, but with health taking centre stage this year, it’s important to maintain a good balance.

A key part of staying healthy during the summer holidays is to support the immune system.

When our immune systems are challenged and suppressed, we are less likely to maintain our overall health.

Rooibos brand, Laager has shared below some quick and easy ways to enjoy the holiday season, while also heading into 2021 on a healthy note.

Freeze leftovers

No matter how well-catered a special event has been, there are always many leftovers. Rather than giving in to the inevitable temptation and gorging on them all in a few days, carefully package and freeze leftovers to get you through ‘Janu-worry’.

Home-made ice teas

Switch out the sugar-laden fizzy drinks for water or home-made ice tea. This will ensure you’re meeting your daily hydration recommendation (eight glasses a day), while also taking away the temptation of overeating.

For an easy, home-made iced tea recipe, simply freeze fruit into ice cubes with water.

Choose ‘mocktails’ over cocktails

There’s a tendency to indulge in more alcoholic beverages at this time of year, but alcohol can deplete B vitamins while also diminishing the body’s natural immune system.

Swap out those cocktails for healthier mocktails.

We also asked registered dietitian, Mbali Mapholi, to share simple tips on how to try and stay healthy during the festive season.

Make sure you eat breakfast

Skipping breakfast can make you eat more poorly throughout the day.

Try to eat a breakfast comprising protein and fibre that will stabilise your blood sugar and keep you going till mid-morning.

Never skip meals

Skipping lunch to compensate for a dinner full of calories is not a good idea. Eating regular small meals, in addition to dinner, will keep your blood sugar stable and prevent cravings and you are far less likely to overeat.

Don’t eat everything on the buffet

Choose your favourite foods in smaller portions and skip those that you don’t like to avoid overeating. Eating everything on the buffet is never a good idea.

Avoid sugary foods

Limit your intake of sugary foods as they increase sugar content in your body and make you crave more rich and sugary foods.

Stick to these tips this festive season and you’ll be sure to usher in a healthier you in the New Year.

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