Two classy cocktails for the long weekend

A classic martini. Pic by Andrew Barrow

A classic martini. Pic by Andrew Barrow

Published Mar 29, 2018


A classic martini 

A true cocktail classic, this drink has stood the test of time.


88 ml gin

1 tablespoon dry vermouth

2 dashes Angostura orange bitters

Lemon peel twist or olive


Stir all ingredients well in a mixing glass with ice, then strain into chilled martini glass and garnish with an olive or twist of lemon peel.

A Manhattan Cocktail. Pic by Andrew Barrow.

A Manhattan Cocktail

One of the most famous cocktails in the world - an iconic drink.



4 tablespoons whiskey

1.5 tablespoons sweet red vermouth

2 dashes Angostura aromatic bitters

Skewered Maraschino cherries


Stirred over ice, strained into a chilled glass, garnished with cherries and served straight up.

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