Five ways to enjoy eating peanuts

Five ways to prepare peanuts. File picture

Five ways to prepare peanuts. File picture

Published May 14, 2019


Everyone loves a tasty peanut - unless you're allergic - and there are as many ways to eat this healthy snack as there are varieties of nuts out there.

Nuts are a great snack, especially when you're at the office or on the road. Some of this tips are pretty simple, but you might just find some nutty inspiration as well

Simply shell them

Plain peanuts (monkey nuts) are ten times higher in vitamin E — an antioxidant that protects against the type of damage to cells that can lead to heart disease and cancer — than roasted. One 25 g handful has 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance.

Add them to a stir fry instead of chicken

They're just as high in good-quality protein as meat or poultry.

For a nutritious snack

Have a handful of peanuts (25 g, 150 calories) with a couple of citrus easy peelers. Peanuts provide as much iron as beef, but it's not well absorbed from plant sources unless you have some vitamin C at the same time, hence the citrus fruit.

A tablespoon of sugar-free and salt-free

Peanut butter makes a great addition to chilli-spiced sweet potato soup — upping the fibre and protein content.

For hair

Eat peanuts (they provide biotin, a nutrient that protects against hair loss) with Brazil nuts, which have high levels of selenium for healthy follicles.

*Daily Mail

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