Here's why mango is the best summer fruit

It is sweet, delicious and its irresistible taste leaves a lasting memory on our minds PICTURE: Pexels

It is sweet, delicious and its irresistible taste leaves a lasting memory on our minds PICTURE: Pexels

Published Feb 1, 2018


As one of the world’s most popular fruit, mangoes are one of the best summer produce as they naturally contain many important ingredients that are beneficial to our health. And you will ask yourself why mangoes are very-much loved during this season. 

Speaking to dietitian, nutritionist and spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Isabel Maples about her thoughts on why she thinks mangoes are the ‘kings of fruits’ during the summer season, she said mangoes just feel like summer.

“There’s a big health push to enjoy more plant-based foods. That doesn’t mean giving up animal foods but instead, balancing your plant with more fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and peas etc. Mangoes are a great way to add flavour and eating enjoyment to a healthier diet”, said Maples.

DELICIOUS: Mango cheesecake

As much as the taste of mangoes can create a delightful tropical experience and enjoyment for your taste buds, there is an array of health benefits mango has to offer. Mango delivers a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to benefit health, and detailing some of the health benefits of eating mangoes, Maples said some people call mangoes a super fruit. 

“Technically, the term “super-fruits” has no standard definition but is frequently used in marketing. Certainly, though mangoes are an excellent choice for a healthier diet. And as a registered dietitian, I’d call them 'nutrient rich'", she said.  

Mangoes are a delicious way to enjoy more produce (and that means more vitamins, minerals and fibre-but not a lot more calories). They are great to eat by themselves but also work really well in side dishes, entrées and dips. They are great in smoothies, cocktails, or lower sugar kids’ drinks. 

As a nutritionist, Maples said she loves that mangoes are low in calories yet deliver lots of nutrition in every bite. She said they are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which help fight off infection and chronic diseases, plus folate. And that they are also a good source of fibre.

“One advantage of consuming more fruits and veggies, beyond just vitamins and minerals, is the extra fibre. More fibre supports bowel regularity but it also helps feed diversity in gut bacteria, which seems to influence our immune system, weight and long term health”, said Maples. 

There are many interesting and fun facts about mango as the king of fruits:

*Mangoes are related to cashews.

*Colour does not indicate ripeness. Check them for ripeness with gentle pressure, like you check the ripeness of a peach, avocado or plum. 

*Mangoes are a gas-releasing fruit. 

*Don’t refrigerate a mango before it’s ripe. Instead, ripen on the counter at room temperature. Or speed up the process by placing mangoes in a bag (paper or plastic) for a day or two (or until you need one). 

*Once ripe, if you’re not going to eat them right away, store them in the fridge for up to five days. Or cut them up and store them in a closed container in the fridge or in the freezer for up to six months. 

*Someone who is allergic to allergic to poison ivy might have an allergic reaction to the mango skin, but not the flesh. Have someone else cut the mango. 

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