The 5 most bizarre food combinations we found on TikTok

Ketchup and popcorn. Picture: @sayitsTr3s/Twitter

Ketchup and popcorn. Picture: @sayitsTr3s/Twitter

Published May 19, 2021


When TikTok first rose in popularity, it was mostly about celebrity sneak peeks and dance crazes.

But as the social media network has evolved, it is now home to millions of life hacks, including cleaning tricks, and delicious recipes.

All over the internet, people swear by unexpected food pairings that you would probably never dream of trying. But as it turns out, some of the strangest flavour combinations happen to be the most delicious.

During 2020 and some of 2021, food TikTok gave millions a sense of joy and comfort. The worst viral trends we ever saw on the video-sharing app weren't innovations born out of necessity.

They were so-called hacks that solved problems that did not actually exist; deceptively simple recipes that were never quite right; and problematic pairings that made us question our sanity and our taste buds.

If you are willing to put your taste buds to the test, you might come out of this list with a new favourite flavour combo.

Below are some of the most outrageous – or just downright (unappetisingly) odd – food mash-ups that debuted in our realm of reality of 2020.

Picture: @maricuevas15/Twitter

Cereal and orange juice

While milk may be the gold standard, many swear the orange juice and cereal pairing hits the spot in desperate late-night snacking situations. Orange juice pairs well with lighter-sugar cereals, bringing a ton of bright flavour and much-needed liquid.

Ketchup and popcorn

Ketchup is a condiment that tastes good on just about everything, but should that list include popcorn? It sounds like a controversial pairing but some people really enjoy squeezing some ketchup onto their bowl of popcorn.

Apples with salt and pepper

If you have tried apples with peanut butter, you might also want to try apples with salt which TikTokers say pair well together. Throw in pepper for a hint of spice, and you have got yourself an upgraded afternoon snack.

Picture: @sk8ercoups/Twitter

Oreos and orange juice

You have heard of dunking your Oreos into milk, but have you ever tried dipping them into orange juice? This one might be worth a shot because it is meant to taste like orange-flavoured chocolate, which is always a crowd-pleaser.

Picture: @bobcobble/Twitter

Mustard or carrots and apples

Most weird food cravings defy explanation, but some of the weirdest foods on TikTok take it to a whole other level. Take, for instance, the TikTokers who thought it was wise to put yellow mustard on apple or carrot slices. Yuck, right? Strange times call for strange flavour mixes.

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