Whizzky: This app gives tips on your tipple

Published Feb 18, 2017


Imagine walking into your

favourite bottle store and there’s

a selection of whisky that

you haven’t seen before. You

probably see a beautiful, young,

promotions woman on the corner

somewhere with disposable cups

filled with the product. And, you

know people with freebies, we

never pass up that free shot.

If we can help it, we talk our

way into getting another sip. 


on cue, she will give you the jargon

about how the drinks came to be,

what they will taste like and maybe

a bit more about their origins.

But what if there is no

promotional young woman or any

of that? What if you could just flip

out your phone, scan the label and

voila, a whole world of information

comes out? Sounds like magic?

Well, it certainly feels like it. 

Introducing Whizzky, the South

African app that will help whisky

lovers with all they need to know

about any bottle they may have in


The app uses optical character

recognition and pattern recognition

technology to get you the

information instantly.

“This is a one-of-its-kind app

which helps whisky lovers learn

more about any particular whisky

they come across,” says Emily

Stockden from Whizzky.

“With the use of their

smartphones, they can scan

the label and immediately learn

more about the product – from its

origins and the whisky-making

process to sometimes even the

expected flavours that come with

the product.” 

She says that although there are

some competitors who are trying

to be part of the app movement in

whisky, Whizzky is way ahead. 

“We’re proud that this is a South

African product which is doing well

at home and on the international


“It’s is such a unique idea that

grows every so much; it has even

inspired some competition and

some imitators,” said Stockden. 

While you will marvel at what

it has to give, Whizzky isn’t yet

making money for its developers

and partners in the deal.

“We don’t make money from the

app. Our plan is not to charge the

user for our services.

“We are looking at building

relationships with database

companies who provide the

information of the product and the

whisky makers themselves.

“The two parties benefit from

the service because it generates

interest for their business,” she


With that said, the app grows

with about 50 to 75 new users a day.

About 14 000 people are using it,

with more joining on weekends for

obvious reasons.

“The plan is to be the go-to place

for whisky lovers when it comes

to getting information on their

favourite drinks,” says Stockden.

Whisky-makers and distributors

will also benefit from the app, says

Whisky Live’s John Cook and

Ken Varejes the co-owner of


“Whisky Live has an incredible

category-wide whisky database

and the app has been developed

partly to leverage and enhance the

event but mostly to add value to the

whisky brands who exhibit with

us,” says Varejees.

“The app offers them the

opportunity to learn more about

their consumers and perhaps even

more importantly to engage with

them in more relevant ways based

on what they learn.” 

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