#WorldCancerDay: 'One mushroom a day cuts breast cancer risk by by 64%'

There are protective properties of mushrooms #WorldCancerDay - Pexels

There are protective properties of mushrooms #WorldCancerDay - Pexels

Published Feb 4, 2019


Today is #WorldCancer day, and a big part of dealing with and overcoming cancer is sticking to a healthy diet.

Now, a body of international research is increasingly showing the link between breast cancer and the benefits of mushroom consumption. 

While the research is ongoing and clinical trials are continuing, one clear fact has come to light:  Women who eat an average of one mushroom per day (10g) reduce their chances of breast cancer by 64%

It was found that the occurrence of breast cancer in China was five times lower than in developed Western Countries. 

Whilst also bearing other factors in mind, it is a fact that China is a world authority when it comes to mushroom consumption. And it was the huge mushroom consumption per capita that sparked the research. 

Their claims are mirrored by The Power of Pink campaign in association with the SA Mushroom Farmers Association, who also highlight the benefits of mushrooms. The campaign aims to raise funds to provide silicone prostheses to 700 women who have had mastectomies and cannot afford breast reconstructions. 

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Smile, because 550 disadvantaged women will receive silicone breast prostheses from money raised in last year’s Pink Punnet campaign – and many more will be helped this year because you bought fresh mushrooms. We salute you for empowering other women while improving your health! #BreastCancerSupporter #BreastCancer #DittoProject #PinkPunnet #ReachForRecovery #PowerOfPink2018 #WhyWeLoveMushrooms #eatmoremushrooms #freshmushrooms #eatyourgreensdaily #helpothershelpyourself

A post shared by SAMFA(@freshmushroomssa) on Oct 29, 2018 at 6:23am PDT

Benefits of mushrooms

Anti-oxidants and selenium

Mushrooms are rich in anti-oxidants which is good for the immune system. It also contains selenium in quantities much higher than any other plant food. Selenium has been found have an anti-cancer effect on prostate cancer particularly. 

These elements work together to protect the body against cancer by getting rid of free radicals and defending the body against invading organisms. 

It also contains phytochemicals that are found to specifically suppress breast and prostate cancer. 

Low in calories

Mushrooms are a low energy dense food that can help lower calorie intake to help prevent obesity which is a risk for BC

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